10 Money Tips To Learn From Successful Women
Even if you don't earn a huge salary, there is always room to grow your finances. Many hide behind maxims such as: "Money does not buy happiness" to hide or explain their lack of ambition.
However, if money does not actually buy happiness, it is necessary to have enough of it to have a decent quality of life. By decency, I mean paying bills and being able to have fun without tightening your belt.
Money shouldn't be anyone's master! Just a way to achieve our ends, to have a better life. Isn't that what everyone wants?
1. Learn How To Budget
Know exactly how much money you earn, then list all your current expenses, even treats. Secondly, you need to know precisely how much your credit cards, your insurance, your subscriptions are costing you, and if you have one or more credits, the amount that is debited each month.
When you know exactly what goes in and out of your pockets, everything will be much more transparent. You can now list, classify and archive your expenses. Also, you will know precisely the figure, the amount you have in your wallet, and your bank accounts. This will allow you to plan a concrete budget based on your current financial situation.
2. Set Specific Financial Goals

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To be successful in saving money for the long haul, you need to know precisely why you want to save money. Your savings goal can be related to buying a future home, starting a self-employed business, preparing for a trip around the world, financing your emergency fund.
Whatever the reasons you want to put aside, it is essential to have identified them to be effective. Then, once these goals are set, you will need to determine how much you will need to achieve each goal.
3. Don’t Loan Money You Can’t Afford To Lose

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The first rule in lending is that you should not loan out money you can't afford to lose. Knowing this is knowing peace as it will save you from future heartaches.
This is usually the case when you loan out money to friends or family members. Sometimes, they genuinely do not have the money to pay, and sometimes, they just want to take you for granted. Whatever the case, this could cause a strain in your relationship, and you should avoid this.
4. Save, No Matter How Small
Saving up is very important. No matter how small it is, it would be best if you started from somewhere to cultivate a saving culture.
Even though it's a small amount, it's important. You have to start as soon as possible and do it at the beginning of the month. Otherwise, you run the risk of not having anything left at the end.
5. Ask For Help

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
Sometimes, life can get overwhelming, and we all need someone to bail us out of one or two situations. Asking for help is essential and does not make you less of a human being. It requires you to be vulnerable to ask for the help of any kind.
Asking for help with money can also be challenging. However, reaching out to others for help when you've fallen on tough times can get you back on the path to financial security. Be honest, ask politely without making them feel obligated.
6. Gradually Pay Off Your Debts
Before you start paying off your debts, first determine how much in debts you have. After doing this, you can now create a personalized repayment plan based on how much you earn.
Once you have this knowledge, create a budget and start paying off the debts one by one. Ensure you pay more than the required minimum at every given time. Sell off unwanted items around the house and put the money to pay off your debts.
7. Shop Experience, Not Things
Spending money on an experience causes greater and longer joy than buying material goods! Even though the objects have a longer duration in time, the experiences force you to savor them!
Indeed, the pleasure duration is essential here. Buying something makes us happy for a limited period. We get used to it after a while. The fact that experiences come to an end helps us appreciate them better and throughout their duration since they are outside our routine.
8. Don’t Spend What You Don’t Have
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. This common saying should guide your spending habits. If you don't have, don't spend, holidays pass, and debts remain.
What is the use of trying to fit in when you are going to end up drowning in debt? It is better to save so that you can enjoy the lifestyle you deserve in the future.
9. Don’t Buy What You Can Borrow
So many people buy things when they can just borrow the same for less. If you borrow the item, you save money and space in your home for things you really must own. If you think before you buy, you might find that this is an item that you don't need to own.
Be wise with your money and how you spend it. If you feel like you need to buy an item rather than borrow, do so. But first, think about whether you will be using this item again or not and why you need it. Most of the time, you won't need the thing you plan to buy more than once.
10. Make Your Money Work Harder
Living without working is a dream. In fact, few people do not already have an income base after stopping their professional activity (retirement pensions, unemployment benefits, alimony, etc.).
But that is not always enough to maintain the same lifestyle that we have while working. This is why you must take the risk to invest. Speak with the right people and watch your money work for you.