
5 Beauty Rules To Stop Using

Daniella Segell
Sep 10, 2021
01:00 A.M.

As women, certain beauty rules are passed down to us through generations. They may be rules taught to your mother by your grandmother, but they could also stem back even farther than that. These beauty rules become what we use in our daily lives to make sure we look presentable.


However, as the times have changed, so have people’s expectations about beauty and what women should do to look presentable. Beauty rules have changed drastically since we were children and will continue to do so for a long time.

Here are some outdated beauty rules that you can safely stop following in your daily life.

Red Hair/Red Lips

Red lipstick | Shutterstock

Red lipstick | Shutterstock

It was way back when it was thought that if you had red hair, you should stick to any lipstick color under the sun as long as that color was not red. Red hair paired with red lipstick was seen as a major beauty faux pas and was avoided at all costs.

Over time, women have realized that pairing red lips with red hair is an excellent way to make a statement and ensure that everybody in the room pays attention when you walk in. Find the right shade of red for your skin tone and rock it!



Contouring | Shutterstock

Contouring | Shutterstock

Contouring your face when doing your makeup has only become popular over the last couple of years, but this is not to say that the rules surrounding this beauty practice have not changed a lot in that seemingly short space of time.

The rule used to be that you had to use cool tones to contour your face to create the illusion of shadow on your face. However, lately, it has become more acceptable to use warmer tones to contour and slightly bronze the face.


Glitter makeup | Unsplash

Glitter makeup | Unsplash


As you read that heading, you may have had a horrible flashback of eighth grade and all of the glitter that you used to pack onto your eyelids, lips, and nails. It has been a beauty rule for quite some time that glitter is reserved for adolescents.

The rule is outdated, though, because there are many ways that you can style glitter in your makeup that do not look tacky or overdone at all. All you need to do is find a way to use it that compliments your makeup, and you’re good to go.

Frosty Eyeshadow

Blue eyeshadow | Shutterstock

Blue eyeshadow | Shutterstock

Another ‘90s flashback that may have sprung into your mind when you read this heading might be swiping frosty eyeshadow up to your non-existent eyebrows with your index finger while screaming Britney Spears lyrics at the top of your lungs.


It’s understandable why frosty eyeshadow went out of style for a while and was frowned upon in the beauty community. Still, as we learn to style old trends in a new and fresh way, it is no longer unacceptable to wear frosty eyeshadow.

Hair Scarves

Woman wearing orange hair scarf | Shutterstock

Woman wearing orange hair scarf | Shutterstock

Hair scarves got an awful rap for quite a long time. It was an accessory that was seen as something that only ‘hippies’ wore and would never have been acceptable to wear outside the house, let alone to a brunch with your friends.

As time has gone on, though, hair scarves have become a celebrated beauty accessory, and many women can be seen wrapping their hair with scarves to go out into the world and socialize.



If you grew up when powder and dry skin were arch enemies, you probably have your own family now. The narrative that you cannot use powder on dry skin is as outdated as the beauty rule itself.

You can indeed use powder if you have dry skin, so long as you prepare the skin properly for the powder. You should apply your moisturizer and primer and ensure that the foundation you are using will not dry out your skin even more.


Eyebrow rules are the one set of beauty rules that have changed more than any other over an incredibly short space of time. We have seen so many eyebrow trends come and go in recent years that it can be hard to keep up.

One eyebrow rule that stayed the same for a long time but is now being released is that your eyebrows had to match your hair color. Your eyebrows can be any color you want them to be now, regardless of what color your hair might be.


If you grew up watching your mom and gran use different perfumes for different seasons or occasions, you probably know the beauty rule that you should be wearing a summer fragrance in the summer, a winter fragrance in the winter, and so on.

However, this beauty rule is outdated, and it has become much more acceptable to use whichever fragrance fits your mood when you wear it, regardless of the weather or the occasion.
