5 Stunning Sketch V.S. Final Art Work Reveals By Twitter Artists
Art is a beautiful form of self-expression, which enables the artist to paint an entire universe. The timeless, divine and unique appeal of stunning art pieces never dulls or fades away, no matter how much time has passed.
There’s something oddly satisfying about being able to draw or even appreciate art work. It goes without saying that artists have seen and felt it all - the good, the bad and the worse; and they excel at painting a beautiful picture with their master brush strokes.
We are now in the era of digitalization where top-notch softwares have made it easy to learn graphic art and other professional tips and tricks. However, call us ‘old souls’ or whatever you like, we are in love with the way a sketch journeys to become the final art piece. Have a look at these works of splendor courtesy of Twitter Artists.
1.Bloody Mess
One look at this stunning artwork and you would be able to feel its essence all too strongly. This could easily be captioned as: “look at the bloody mess you’ve made.”
This art piece inspires courage, strength and perseverance. If you’re a fan of anime or animated content where females emerge as the ultimate warriors, you’d be able to relate to this piece better.
Such an amazing artwork and befitting enough for your phone screen wallpapers. The fading sunset hues can be seen dissolving in the cloud cover, with pastel pink and blue colored sky circling the city's building overhead - dreamy and divine.
Look at the sketch and the final product! The sketch looks pretty preliminary, but that owl sitting on the tree branch amidst the wild forest looks sleepy and adorable.
5.Cat Love
Don’t we all just want to sit by the porch with our cats at the end of a busy day to unwind? This art piece encapsulates the universal love that animals lovers have for their loyal buddies.