5 Tips To Help Organize Your Beauty Space
Somewhere between product junkie and trying your best to declutter is you. Become an organization champ with these five simple tips.
There's something about having your personal space together that makes you feel like you're getting your whole life together, one step at a time. It feels life juicy.
One area in your life that tends to get easily cluttered is your beauty products. You keep buying more and keeping old things "just in case." Well, here's how you can organize your products like a champ and leave Clutter Island for good.
The Official Purge
Start by ridding your space from all that is expired and weird-smelling. You also want to toss that anything you haven't been using (yes, I'm talking about that eyeshadow palette you got on sale two years ago with the poor pigment that you hate). Once a product reaches its expiration date, continuing use puts you at risk of irritation or infection.
"Anything that goes near your eyes should be tossed after three to six months and anything that goes on your lips after twelve."
Develop A System
You might want to invest in handy storage cases. If you're looking to treat yourself, something like Truffle's chic Clarity Jumbo Jetset Case is perfect. It feels fancy, but it's also convenient with its clear insets that let you see what's inside.
Use the compartments to organize your products into the most used and least used separately. Make sure that the things you use most are in the most reachable compartments.
Makeup Organizers
Getting a clear acrylic organizer is great because having everything inside on display keeps you accountable as far as organization is concerned.
There are truckloads of options to choose from that will git your need for people who are trying to organize their makeup; the Luxe Acrylic Makeup Storage Kit is a useful option.
Think About
Consider the environment in which you are storing your products. You want to avoid direct sunlight on your products. The bathroom is not the best idea, either. The heat and humidity will speed up bacterial growth in your products and shorten their shelf lives.
Ensure that lids and caps are properly on because, for one, they can make a mess if not to prevent your products from going bad from exposure to the air, says Reagan.
Hang Your Backup Products
Those who keep back up products, hang them on an over-the-door storage rack instead of tucked away in the very back, at the very bottom of a cupboard. You'll remember that you have these backups (and use them), and you won't buy the same thing over and over.