
8 Things To Avoid Doing To Have Thriving Indoor Plants

Mar 20, 2021
07:00 A.M.
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There’s always one plant that’s so stubborn; it almost seems like it has no will to live! No matter what you do for it, it just seems to die!


If you’re someone who loves a challenge growing any indoor plant is for you! You might think it easier than a pet or baby, but at least a dog will bark when it needs something; plants, however, fool you into thinking you’re doing amazing, then when you’ve returned from a day out, it’s nearly dead.

If you’re persistent enough, you might be able to keep it alive and learn just what it needs; if not, you’re setting yourself up for failure! Here are somethings that can help you avoid killing your plants.

1 Avoid Choosing The Wrong Plants


Find plants that are meant to be indoors; they’re a lot easier to take care of and rarely die. If you’re a new plant parent, this is the first and most crucial step. Your choice before you go home makes you a winner or a loser! So for your own benefit, choose to be a winner, please! The best indoor plants are snake plants and Monstera Deliciosa plants.

2 Don’t Leave It In The Same Soil


Choosing the right pot for your plant is essential; different plants have different needs, plastic pots can hold more moisture for your plant, whereas clay pots are porous. As your plant grows, its needs change, and the soil it came with is no longer beneficial, which means it’s repotting time! When repotting your plant, make sure you’re using the correct soil, not just any old garden soil. Pot plants are picky and won’t survive if not given the proper nutrients. If you don’t repot your plant correctly, you can risk losing it, and we’re trying to avoid that!

3 Don’t Leave It In The Dark


When you get a plant you have to make sure that it gets plenty of sunlight, and just the right amount too! Plants are very picky, but most do fine in a moderately lit room; if it gets too much or too little, your plant will die. Always research your plant’s needs for successful plant growing!

4 Don’t Water It Too Little, Or Too Much


All plants need water, this we know! But indoor plants have particular hydration requirements. When watering your plant, only water the soil; the leaves are never thirsty. Getting the leaves wet can lead to rotting, and you certainly do not want that! If you have plastic pots, a great tip is to soak your pot in water; this allows the soil to take in only the amount of water that it needs! That’s the right amount!

If your home doesn’t allow for soaking, water the soil using a long spouted watering can and make sure the soil is soaked! If you notice your plant’s leaves are drooping, this means that you could be underwatering your plant, so if it’s thirsty, get that plant a drink STAT!

5 Don’t Starve Your Plant


Potted plants require a specific fertilizer, but each plant has specific feeding requirements. Like humans need the right amount of nutrition, plants do too. So if you’ve researched your plant, you should know precisely when, how often and how to feed it.

Orchids, for example, require fertilizer that contains little to no urea; they need to be fed every two weeks in spring and summer, but once a month during fall and winter, and the fertilizer needs to be diluted in water as dry roots can burn with the fertilizer.

6 Don’t Neglect Your Plant


Just like any living thing, plants need to be groomed, so take off any spent flowers, yellow, or drying leaves to help them flourish. Some plants, like the African Violet, benefit from deadheading; this encourages new blooms. If your plants have waxy leaves that collect dust, they need to be wiped down gently with a soft cloth; if it has fuzzy leaves, you can use a paintbrush to remove the dust.

7 Don’t Let It Get Sick


Unhealthy plants are a magnet for pests and diseases! When everything seems to be going wrong, these horrible insects come in, and they know how to kick a plant when it’s down! Check your plants regularly for pests; you can barely notice eggs on the leaves of thrips above PhilodendronBirkin. And these pests can sometimes be so hard to get rid of; you might even want to throw the whole plant out!

And look for signs of mold or rot on your plant; if you’re not taking proper care of your plant, then this is a sign! Cut out any parts that may be rotting, and do your best to refrain from overwatering!

8 Acceptance


After doing everything in your power to save Luna the Lily, maybe it’s time to accept her fate and let her go. You can’t save everyone, and sometimes letting go is the right option! As long as you’ve done all that you can, you can blame the plant and try again with a different and easier plant.

Keeping a plant alive is not always up to fate, chance, and green thumbs; sometimes, you just have to put in that extra bit of effort to help it thrive because indoor plants will most certainly not survive if you just leave them!
