
8 Things To Avoid When Moving House

Jun 30, 2021
10:00 P.M.
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Moving houses is always going to be a stressful experience. Between packing, deciding what to keep and what to donate, and physically moving everything from one home to another, it can seem like an impossible task.


After so many years, you would think that people would have drawn up a moving day manual, but there is no such thing. We know about a few things that could help make the day much easier for you, though.

Here are some of the things that you should not be doing on moving day.

Heavy Items



If you are moving, you will most likely be using a moving company with tons of professionals who are professionals when moving items from one place to another with minimal fuss or effort.


For this reason, you should never try to pick up heavy items on your own. There will be people around you who can help you, and picking up these items alone might result in you being hurt and not participating in the rest of the movie.

Check Boxes



When moving, people will usually opt to pack their own boxes. It is the cheaper and easier option in most cases. However, professional movers say that you often don’t do it correctly when you pack your own boxes.


Ensure that you have used enough bubble wrap to protect those items that might break easily, label the boxes according to what’s in them, which room they should go in, and ensure that the labels can be seen from the top and at least two sides of the box.

No Plastic With Wood



When you’re wrapping your furniture up, you will probably have one or two pieces of wood that will need to be wrapped up to be transported. The first thing that most people reach for in this case is plastic wrap.


Plastic wrap is not a good idea when transporting wood, especially if it will be going a long distance because the plastic will cause the wood to bleed and be damaged. Use newspaper instead.




One of the worst things you can do when packing to move houses is procrastinating the packing process. It is stressful enough as it is, and adding a time constraint will only make it so much more difficult.


Start packing well in advance of the move so that you time to pack and repack if need be. Doing this will allow you to back properly and have everything in the correct place and easy to unpack when you get to the new place.

No Valuables



When you are moving houses, you must never leave your valuables unattended. There will be many people in and out of both homes, and it would be very easy for things to go missing and nobody to know where they had got to.


Instead, pack up all of your valuables the night before and then have them with you at all times to ensure that nothing goes missing. It also best if you transport your valuables to your new place by yourself.




When moving, you will most likely be using cardboard boxes to move your things from one place to the next. While cardboard boxes are strong, they are not made of iron and can therefore be flimsy.

You mustn’t overpack the boxes because if they have too much in them, they might break, and there is a chance that whatever was in the box that broke could break or be damaged.


Useless Items



Whatever you do when you’re moving houses, don’t take those useless items that nobody needs to the new house. All that it will do is make packing more complicated, and it will clutter the new house instantaneously.

Before moving, take a week or so before packing to decide what you will pack and take to the new house and what will instead be donated or thrown away depending on the condition. Get rid of your useless items before you start packing to be tempted to add them to the boxes.





If you are an avid plant parent, then it is likely that you will have a couple of plants around your house that you’ll want to take to the new house. However, it is best if you don’t leave the transportation of your precious plants to the moving company.

Most times, the moving company is there simply to complete a job, and they have no real interest in taking care of plants when they are being transported unless specifically told to do so. Transporting your plants by yourself is your safest bet in this case.
