
8 Tips For Excellent Muscle Recovery

Mar 14, 2021
02:00 P.M.
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As much as we partake in exciting workouts that span over hours, it is essential to ensure our muscles recover well. After all, there is no worse feeling than waking up in the morning to instant soreness.


There is no shortcut in the recovery process. We often make the mistake of using painkillers or expensive supplements to speed up the recovery time. Making matters worse, we also combine poor nutrition and lack of sleep, ruining our results.

Taking the time to recover has its benefits. Your performance during your workouts will maximize, making exercise a more enjoyable process. Say goodbye to falling victim to the fads and speed your recovery time using these top tips for muscle recovery.

Get More Sleep

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash


While enough research has yet to be done on the relationship between sleep and muscle recovery, plenty has been done on sleep deprivation. Think of it as the great negator of progress in any respect.

Sleep deprivation affects the body’s metabolism and immune function, to mention a few. It also blocks the rate at which the hormones that help the muscles grow are produced. Thus, after a long workout, get those extra hours of zzz.

Increase Magnesium Intake

Photo by Anshu A on Unsplash

Photo by Anshu A on Unsplash


When was the last time you took magnesium? Magnesium deficiency is real, and you need to try and avoid it at all costs. There are several fun ways to incorporate it into your daily routine to remind yourself to take it.

Try adding some magnesium in trace minerals to your water every day. Doing this will not only calm anxiety but also replenish the minerals lost during the workout. Also, incorporate it into your routine by using topical mineral oil to help your body retain the mineral.

Stay Hydrated

Photo by Henry Be on Unsplash

Photo by Henry Be on Unsplash


Purchase a water bottle now. Hydration is vital in muscle recovery, and that means you need plenty of it. Your several bathroom trips mean your body is thanking you because plenty of water removes the metabolic waste produced during a workout.

While we workout, we sweat—a lot. As a result, we lose plenty of fluids and electrolytes from our bodies. Therefore, ensure to drink loads of water pre and post-workouts. Use this opportunity to try electrolyte drinks, but we must warn you they are tasty, so go easy.

Befriend The Foam Roller

Photo by Joppe Spaa on Unsplash

Photo by Joppe Spaa on Unsplash


Foam rollers are about to become your new workout staple. Foam rolling is excellent for your muscle recovery process as it has several benefits. It targets the muscles and fascia that knot up, causing soreness on the body.

While the concept of rolling something on your body sounds amazing, foam rolling can feel uncomfortable. Power through the discomfort since it prevents muscle imbalances when forming and removes the knots.

Use Epsom Salts

Photo by Pharma Hemp Complex on Unsplash

Photo by Pharma Hemp Complex on Unsplash


Bring the spa experience into your home using Epsom salts. Recovery is about getting off your feet, so hop into the tub and enjoy a fantastic bath. This recovery method is also gaining popularity amongst athletes due to its excellent benefits.

Try using Epsom salt soaks combined with essential oils to enhance your bath experience. Not only will you leave your bath smelling amazing but also feeling less sore as a result. This sounds like a fantastic reward after a high-intensity workout.

Eat Protein Post-Workout

Photo by logan jeffrey on Unsplash

Photo by logan jeffrey on Unsplash


You’ve worked out, and you’re famished. Before you tuck into that bowl of food, ask yourself if there is protein there. Through exercise, proteins that make up the muscle fibers become damaged. Therefore, eat protein to assist the body in repairing the muscle.

This doesn’t mean you should eat protein on its own. Include some carbohydrates to make it a delicious dish. Enjoy some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or even yogurt after your workout. However, don’t be too quick to reach for food as it’s best to wait for two hours after.

Try Tart Cherry Juice

Photo by Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash

Photo by Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash


Drink this if you’re tired of having ordinary water and electrolyte drinks. Cherry tart juice is a delicious way to reduce inflammation, muscle damage, and muscle soreness after exercise. This will become your next go-to drink during cool-down sessions.

If the juice is not for you, try the supplements. They will also reduce swelling, which is very helpful for our bodies to recover with less pain. This will result in developing a more consistent workout routine by having an easy recovery.


Photo by Angélica Echeverry on Unsplash

Photo by Angélica Echeverry on Unsplash


It’s time to get a massage therapist. We’re kidding, but having a massage after training feels good and leaves our muscles feeling less tender. This recovery method is so crucial that even athletes do it. Studies have also revealed that massages delay muscle soreness and improve flexibility.

Set the mood for relaxation with candles and soft background music. Try using all-natural balms made up of organic ginger, clove, and calendula to reduce the soreness.
