A Comprehensive Guide To Cleaning Jewelry
Wearing jewelry is something that can truly pull your outfit together or make it seem incomplete if you are not wearing it. You can have the most gorgeous outfit on, but it might seem average without a necklace or bracelet.
However, there is nothing worse than seeing someone wearing jewelry tarnished or staining their skin. Keeping your jewelry clean is essential to having it look good when you wear it.
Here are some of the ways that you can clean your jewelry so that it always looks beautiful.
Baking Soda & Aluminum Foil

If you have a lot of silver jewelry, this is the best option for you to clean it. Silver jewelry can tarnish quite easily, but the good news is that you can clean it just as quickly as it tarnishes, and it is relatively easy.
All you need to do is soak your silver in an aluminum foil-lined dish filled with water and baking soda. The tarnish will transfer from your silver into the water, and all you need to do is wipe it off with a lint-free cloth when you take it out of the water.
Dish Soap

It might seem odd to use dish soap to clean your jewelry since all you’ve ever used dish soap for is to tend to the dirty dishes, but there are other ways that you can use dish soap that will do wonders.
Mix a little dish soap with some warm water, and then use a lint-free cloth to dip into the mixture. Use the damp cloth to massage the tarnish off the jewelry gently and then use another lint-free cloth to wipe the pieces down.

Toothpaste has mild abrasives that keep your teeth clean by removing stains from them. For this reason, toothpaste can be an excellent jewelry cleaner as the mild abrasives remove the tarnish.
Add a dab of white toothpaste to your jewelry, and then use either your finger or a cloth to buff the tarnish away. Rinse the jewelry with warm water, and then use a soft cloth to dry the jewelry down.

Of all the benefits that beer does have in many people’s lives, I bet you never thought one of them would be a jewelry cleaner. It seems crazy, but it is indeed true. However, this only applies to gold jewelry.
Grab your soft lint-free cloth once again and dip it into a little beer. Once you have dampened your cloth with beer, you can softly massage the jewelry until it shines. Rinse it off with warm water and dry it with a soft cloth.

Ketchup is one of the most versatile condiments out there, but it is not just something that makes your food taste good; it is also an excellent jewelry cleaner if you use it in the right way.
Fully submerge the jewelry that you want to clean in ketchup. Once you have done that, let it sit for about ten minutes. Once you have taken the jewelry out of the ketchup, rinse and scrub it with warm water and dry it with a soft cloth.