
A Comprehensive Guide To Meditation For Beginners

Mar 05, 2021
03:00 P.M.
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Meditation is becoming an increasingly popular form of relaxation. All around the world, people are meditating to get more in tune with their spirituality or just take the weight off their shoulders for the day.


While it is becoming more popular, many people don’t know how to meditate effectively or are too intimidated to even try in the first place. It is something that has only recently become popular, so not very much is known about it.

If you would like to meditate but don’t know where to start, here is a meditation guide if you are a beginner.



Before you even start meditating, you have to declutter all the space around you. Physical clutter will lead to mental clutter, and you won’t fully immerse yourself in the meditation.

Getting rid of things you no longer use or need will minimize the clutter in your space and allow your space’s energy to flow more easily. This means your overall mindset will be better, and your space will have new energy all the time.

Create A Space


When you begin meditating, the first thing you need is a quiet and restful place for you to meditate in. This can be a place that you go to, like the beach, or space in your house where you feel the most relaxed.

Having a quiet space is essential because it allows you to clear your mind and focus on meditation without any distractions. Having no distractions is vital for beginners who have not yet mastered meditation.

Bring Nature In


In feng shui, plants are seen as sources of positive energy, making them an excellent addition to any meditation room. You can also add a glass jar or sand or dirt to bring a sense of grounding to the room.

If you meditate outside, you could add a water element by being at the beach or near a river. If you don’t have access to those things, you could use a small fountain or water feature. Nature is an incredible energy source and can be incorporated into your daily life, even when you’re not meditating.



Once you’ve settled into your quiet place and found a comfortable position to sit or lay down in, you should start to focus on your breathing. In the beginning, you can simply take deep breaths in and out and focus on how that feels.

Once you become more advanced, you can choose different breathing techniques, which aid in different things. There are so many different breathing techniques. All you have to do is find the one that works for you.



Now that you’ve tuned in to your breathing, you can start tuning in to your body. Notice all the sensations that you’re feeling. This can be anything from a slight itch to the place where your body meets the ground.

Notice every sensation that you’re feeling and allow it to come and pass. You do not need to do anything about the sensation except for noticing it. This practice will enable you to center yourself in your own body.



At first, you probably won’t be able to meditate for very long, so spend about 10-15 minutes just being present in your own body. Any thoughts that come and go let them. You don’t have to achieve a specific goal by the end of your meditation.

While you’re meditating, you can focus on something you want or desire, but you can also simply sit and allow yourself to relax into the meditation and clear your mind.

Come Back


Once you feel more relaxed, you can start to return to the physical space you’re in. You do this by feeling everything around you—the place where you’re sitting or laying down, your fingers and toes.

Finally, you will start to slowly and gently open your eyes. Once you feel ready, you can stand up and move from the space where you were meditating. Remember, there is no wrong to meditate. There are many different types of meditation that you can practice once you have been meditating for a while.
