
A Guide On How To Effectively Handle Cyberbullying

Mar 26, 2021
04:00 P.M.
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Bullying isn’t a new thing in society. It just keeps taking different forms. In recent times or as we grow, people change how they go about it. Earlier, bullies used to push others around, harass them at the cafeteria or in the classrooms, seize their victim’s possessions, and even hit them.


After graduating, we thought that part of life was over for good. There comes the internet, and with it comes a better way to connect with people, great marketing opportunities for your products/services, and cyberbullying.

Millions of people sit behind their keypads and wage a digital battle. They humiliate, mock, harass and even threaten people through the use of technology. It is done deliberately to hurt others. However, there are ways to handle cyberbullying, and the earlier you learn how to, the better for you.

Don’t Believe In Them

Photo from 7shifts on Unsplash

Photo from 7shifts on Unsplash


Remember it’s an opinion, and treat it as such. It is not in any way facts. The magic is to sharpen your unlooking game, shock absorb your heart, and sympathize with them instead. You need to understand that anyone who chooses to bully someone on the internet deliberately or anywhere else needs help and deals with issues.

Rather than deal with it, they choose to take it out on others. Knowing that everyone is entitled to their opinion and doesn’t have to believe them is an integral part of handling cyberbullying.

Fighting Back Is A Trap

Photo by Chris Sabor on Unsplash

Photo by Chris Sabor on Unsplash


The secret of bullying is to get a reaction from you; they derive pleasure in aggravating their victims and watching them go off. Please don’t fall into the trap of engaging them in a word battle; you’ll go bunkers attacking everyone who attacks you. No response is a response. These bullies could be very relentless, and it might start getting personal.

You have the option to tell them to stop because it’s essential to have them know that you will no longer accept such behavior. Another way to reply is to reply with humor. It gets frustrating for the bullies when they realize you don’t take them seriously, which will gain the respect of onlookers. You never can tell; you might gain a fan/client or both this way.

Don’t Soak In The Comments

Photo by Kevin Turcios on Unsplash

Photo by Kevin Turcios on Unsplash


The art of soaking is reliving something over and over until they become a part of you and you become deeply intertwined with it. When you keep revisiting these comments, anger would eventually well up inside you. Delete the comments if you can. If it’s an unrepentant and habitual bully, the block button still works – use it.

If you can’t control these features, call the attention of the group administrator. When the administrator does not regulate cyberbullying on their platform, you can opt-out of the group/community. You might look like you chickened out but protecting your mental space is better than impressing others.

Seek Support

Photo by Dimitri Houtteman on unsplash

Photo by Dimitri Houtteman on unsplash


It might not look like it, but overtime, cyberbullying can hurt your mind. Talking to someone helpful about it can take the burden off you. You will have a new perspective and realize that it’s not exclusive to you and you are not alone.

It also helps you know that it’s not your fault and some humans are just mean. These people might give you better ways to handle cyberbullying, pump you up again, and send you back into cyberspace. This is particularly practical for your mental health, don’t underestimate it.
