
A Guide To Getting Rid Of A Hickey Quick

Aug 25, 2021
01:00 P.M.
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Okay, so we’re just getting past all of the lockdown restrictions in place because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and you can finally go out to bars and start hooking up again, but with that comes a couple of problems.


The fact that you might not have had any sexual interaction in the past couple of months might make you feel like a teenager all over again, and in the moment, you might be hotter and heavier than ever before. But, of course, that means that there might be a hickey or two.

Unfortunately, your boss probably won’t understand “It’s just been such a long time,” so here’s how you can get rid of a hickey fast.




As soon as you notice that the hickey is beginning to form, apply pressure to the affected area with your fingers or clothes. By applying pressure to the area, you might be able to stop the blood from spooling, and the hickey won’t be able to form.


This does put a damper on things, though, because you will have to stop midway through hooking up to apply pressure. Also, this method only works for hickeys that have only just begun to form and have not gone blue or purple yet.

Cold Compress



Whenever you get hurt somewhere, you apply a cold compress to the area to soothe the ache and decrease the swelling. The same thing applies to a hickey; applying a cold compress or spoon to the area might help.

This is because applying something cold to the area will soothe it and slow the blood flow to the area down so that the broken capillaries do not have as much blood in them, and the bruise might become smaller.


Aloe Vera Pulp



Aloe vera is like the miracle plant we all knew we needed. Anytime you have a skincare problem, it can probably be cured using aloe vera for a little while before it is completely cleared up.

Fortunately, if you have some aloe vera nearby, it can help to reduce the appearance of your hickey, too. Aloe vera is known to reduce inflammation, which is essentially what a hickey is, and will reduce skin swelling.





You probably ate a peppermint or two before you went on this date to make sure your breath was okay, but you may need to use peppermint in another way once the date is over and you’re left with the evidence of it on your neck.

Peppermint oil can be applied to the hickey to stimulate blood flow to the area so that the healing process might speed up slightly. If you choose to use this method, use a carrier oil like grapeseed or coconut oil.




Alright, okay, we know all of the filthy jokes circling in your head right now regarding pineapple and sex, but hear us out on this one. Apply a slice of pineapple to your hickey to reduce pain and inflammation.


An enzyme in pineapple is called bromelain, which might ease the inflammation and swelling caused by a hickey when applied to the skin. This means that applying a piece of pineapple to the hickey could reduce its appearance of it somewhat.

Vitamin K Cream



Right, so for this one, you’re going to need to be prepared. So go out and grab some vitamin k cream before you go on your date so that you have it in your bag when it’s time for you to start tending to your hickey.

Vitamin K helps your blood clot properly, but it might assist in speeding up the healing process of your bruise when applied directly to the skin. Apply the cream to the area twice a day for the best results.


Cocoa Butter



Most women will have cocoa butter somewhere in their house, whether they use it for their hair or their skin, and it might just be the perfect ingredient to help you get rid of your hickey before anyone has the chance to notice it.

While cocoa butter has no anti-inflammatory properties, it is used as a topical treatment for many other skin conditions, such as scars and stretch marks. This means that it can also be used in case of a hickey; make sure to press lightly, though, so that you don’t make it worse.

Banana Peel




What’s with all the food? We know it seems off, but this stuff has been tried and tested by many over the years, and we’re just here relaying the message to you. Banana peel will also help you to get rid of your hickey.

The antioxidants and nutrients found in a banana peel can have a very calming effect on the skin and may help reduce the signs of skin irritation and bruising. Apply banana peel lightly to the affected area so that you reap the full benefits.

Arnica Cream



You might remember your mom whipping the arnica cream out every time you banged your shin against the bedframe or walked into a cupboard door and bruised your shoulder, and this is because it is one of the fastest ways to treat bruises.

Essentially, all that a hickey is is a bruise, and it can be treated in the same way that you would treat any bruise (depending on the severity of the hickey, of course), and one of the best ways to do that is to apply arnica cream to the area.
