
A Guide To Handling Lockdown Ending Anxiety

May 15, 2021
04:00 A.M.

We’ve had to learn to adapt to a new and safer way of life during the lockdown that kept our families and us safe. But with a promise of lockdown finally coming to an end, are you just a bit scared of it?


It was a difficult year; we experienced a lot of loss, and getting used to the idea of staying home was a bit difficult to adjust. All that time spent not socializing has left some of us a bit nervous about reintegrating into society.

Even though we’ve been with bated breath for some promise of freedom, we’re still questioning ourselves if we’re actually ready. Are you ready for the world to go back to normal?

You’re still capable of being social.




Even though you feel like a year of isolation has taken its toll on you, especially when you could barely find the energy to reply to texts, you’re still going to be able to socialize. It may be uncomfortable at first as you push past the feeling of awkwardness but being social is something you can’t unlearn!

Take it slow

You don’t have to fill up your social calendar immediately; take it nice and slow. Find your comfort and work on getting used to being around others, no matter how much you want to motor through.


You don’t have to force yourself to get through it; sometimes, pushing through isn’t the best thing for you. So take it slow, and do things at your own pace so you stay comfortable.

Check in with yourself

Photo by fotografierende on Unsplash

Photo by fotografierende on Unsplash

Sometimes the people around you might ask how you feel if you’re comfortable, and it could just be nothing at all. Remember to check in with yourself and not get influenced by questions, don’t doubt yourself; you know yourself!


Silence your inner critic



When you’re out, it can be easy to get caught up in your head; your inner critic might have you second-guessing what you’re doing or saying. Don’t let it get to you; you know how to socialize, don’t get into your head.

You can try staying present and focusing and asking people around you questions as well. They’re probably also worried about how they’re looking too!

Don’t forget about boundaries.




You’re going to be seeing your friends and family after a very long time, so you’ll want to spend as much time together as possible. Making up for lost time is important, but if it’s check-in will leave you with no time for yourself; you need to set up boundaries.

It might get intimidating at times, getting used to always being around people, but you don’t have to socialize at your own expense. You deserve a break when you need one, so don’t cave under pressure!
