A Guide To Improving Your Cognitive Flexibility
Feeling like you can’t adapt to situations easily is one of the worst feelings in the world. Not knowing how to change your thinking process to suit your situation is a difficult thing to deal with.
However, there are many ways to improve your cognitive flexibility so that you can control the way you think in different situations so that you can live a stress-free life. Improving your cognitive flexibility is a worthy goal to achieve.
WomanlyLive is here to teach you how to improve your cognitive flexibility easily.
Change Of Scenery
You’ve undoubtedly heard the saying, “Change is as good as a holiday,” and in this case, it is true. Changing your scenery will help you to see things differently and learn to think about new things that you wouldn’t usually.
Doing this will change the way you think about everything in your life and allow you to adapt more easily to any situations that you may face in your life. It will also feel great to see some new things.
Change Your Diet
Certain foods will result in your cognitive flexibility seizing up quite a bit. There are, however, other foods that will contribute to you being able to be cognitively flexible.
Food affects our minds more than we realize, and eating a diet rich in complex carbohydrates and protein will allow us to be more cognitively flexible. Try this diet for at least a month before you assess changes.
Do Things Differently
You should always try new things to improve your cognitive flexibility, but you can also do the same things that you always have done in a different way to improve your cognitive flexibility.
You probably know the feeling of driving somewhere, arriving at your destination, and having no recollection of how you got there. This is because it is probably a route that you always take, and you drove on autopilot. Change your route up every once now and then.
Be Spontaneous
It is extremely difficult for some people to be spontaneous as they think they need a plan for every hour of their day. However, this is an excellent way to ensure that you improve your cognitive flexibility.
Try and do something spontaneous once a month and when you have become comfortable with being spontaneous, try to up it to once a week. You will experience new things, and your cognitive flexibility will drastically improve.
Thought Stop
Part of cognitive inflexibility is repetitive thoughts. You may have the same types of thoughts at the same time every day. However, having these rigid thought processes are harmful to your cognitive flexibility.
You should practice thought-stopping to ensure that you become cognitively flexible. Identify your rigid thought patterns and then redirect your thoughts when you find yourself falling back into the pattern.