A Guide To Living By The Moon Cycle
We often look at the moon in wonder of its beauty and see it as a symbol of the night, nothing more. But in astrology, the moon affects your moods and personality, and it can be channeled to make decisions if you know how to read the moon’s energy!
In astrology, the moon has always been more than just something to marvel at. The moon goes through eight cycles, but in four of those cycles, we can find an opportunity to connect and understand ourselves on a deeper level!
The moon controls the tides of the oceans, but it can also influence our subconscious thoughts! So how could you go about living by the moon cycle?
Preparing yourself for the moon cycle

Keep yourself open-minded throughout the experience, especially when following it for the first time. Following the moon cycle can open you up to the opportunity of connecting with yourself; you should just open yourself up to it!
The moon changes its zodiac every day, and it can get a bit complex when trying to follow the cycle when including the zodiac signs. So you can choose to follow the zodiac cycles or just purely the moon cycle!
Understanding the phases of the moon

Each lunar month starts with a new moon, and ends with a waning crescent, and starts the cycle anew the following month. Each of the eight phases lasts for roughly a week at a time, and throughout the month, we’re affected by them.
The new moon signifies either a time to relax and recuperate if that’s what you need to do, or it could signify a new beginning so an opportunity for you to start fresh without anything in the past holding you back!

The next phase is waxing crescent, which is when you should be laying the groundwork for the things you’d like to achieve in the month ahead. So focus on all the things you’d like to achieve in the month ahead!
The first quarter moon occurs exactly a week after the new moon, and it’s a period where we’ll be faced with challenges. Focus on overcoming the obstacles instead of being beaten down by them, don’t give in to the resistance!

Waxing Gibbous leads up to the full moon, and during this time, we’ll still be focused on facing obstacles in the things we’ve manifested for the month ahead. You’ll need to figure out how you can adapt to overcome the obstacles to achieve your goals!
The full moon is when everyone’s emotions are heightened because the sun and the moon are on opposite ends, which creates tension! Try not to be ruled by your emotions and focus on how you’re planning to achieve your goals.

Waning Gibbous is the period where the moon starts to lose its illumination. It’s a time for reflection and gratitude for everything in your life, especially with those around you!
In the last quarter, you can see much less of the moon, and it also leaves you feeling like you’d like to let go! So take the opportunity to release the grudges and resentment you feel, cleanse your life from relationships that no longer benefit you!

The last phase before the new moon comes around again is the waning crescent. The moon slowly disappears throughout this period, and you might end up feeling run down, so take the opportunity to relax before the waxing crescent starts.
Giving yourself a chance to be influenced by the lunar cycle can open you up to understanding yourself a lot better. Will you be attempting to live your life via the lunar cycle this coming new moon?