A Self-Help Guide To Boost Productivity & Overcome Procrastination
Procrastination is the root of all evil and a bane that keeps us from exploring our full potential. Often, we put off things until the last minute, which results in subpar performance and affects our productivity.
The famous saying goes, “learn to rest, not to quit.” There is nothing wrong with carving out moments to take brief breaks from our work, so long as we’re determined to get started again after our power naps.
Oftentimes, people confused laziness with taking off time to rest, but they’re not the same. If you’re a procrastinator or simply looking for some motivation to fuel your passion, here are some easy-to-follow steps to become more productive.
Plan Out Everything

Photo By Diego PH On Unsplash
Planning is a fundamental step that helps us determine where we’re headed. It involves mapping out a particular task and listing down all the necessary steps that you will have to follow to accomplish it.
Quantify Your Goals

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We often have a long list of things we want to achieve in life, and that too, all at once. It’s best to be realistic and reasonable and start with two or three goals that you can work towards in a given time.
Do The Hardest Task First

Photo By Brett Jordan On Unsplash
Our enthusiasm and motivation levels are exhilarated when we first approach a project. We should try to handle complex tasks first to expend more energy, time, and effort without feeling tired.
Keep Distractions At Bay

Photo By Stefan Cosma On Unsplash
Distractions are the worst enemy of productivity, and they should be eliminated at all costs. It’s best to prepare a strategy that helps you tune out distractions and stay focused on your work, whether it involves putting away your phones or working away from the crowd.
Set Deadlines Well In Time

Photo By Kevin Ku On Unsplash
How can you accomplish your goals when you’ve set no time limits? The best way to stay on track and channel all your strength in the right direction is by working out a timeline and following it.
Take Nature-Inspired Breaks

Photo By Omid Armin On Unsplash
Make sure you receive your daily supply of natural light to keep your circadian cycle balanced. When we don’t seek refuge in nature, our body’s internal clock starts slowing down, compromising our thinking and analytical capacity.
Prioritize Rest Time

Photo By Drew Coffman On Unsplash
Please don’t overwork or over-pressurized yourself to get things done. When people pull all-nighters and compromise their rest time, the disrupted sleep patterns can have adverse effects on physical and mental well-being.
Visualize The Positive Outcome

Photo By Miguel Bruna On Unsplash
The universal law of attraction has a beautiful principle comprising three steps: ask, believe, and receive. We have to get in the habit of envisioning the positive and intended outcomes so that our thoughts, feelings, and actions get fully aligned.