Essential Items To Pack In Your Carry On During The Pandemic
Most air travels were suspended or discouraged at the beginning of the pandemic as a protective measure. This ban resulted in families and loved ones being stuck miles apart for several months. Now that some travel bans have been lifted, people can migrate back home or travel for work.

Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash
Air travel is convenient but can be dangerous while there is a viral outbreak. We’ve collated a list of pandemic travel essentials to pack in your carry on bag before taking flight.

Photo by Vera Davidova on Unsplash
Like anywhere you go, you should bring your mask along with you to the airport. Keep your mask on at all times, and avoid touching it once it’s on.
It’s also good to carry spares in your carry on bag just in case you need it. At these times, it’s better to be safe than sorry
Hand Sanitizer

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Although most places provide customers with hand sanitizer upon entry, it is great to carry your own. Experts advise that you use sanitizer immediately after you touch a surface.
Ensure that you have packed a hand sanitizer that is 60% alcohol or 70% isopropyl alcohol. Travel size liquid restrictions have been eased so that you can carry up to 12 ounces of hand sanitizer onboard.
Disinfectant Wipes

Photo by Allie on Unsplash
Experts have confirmed that you can remove the virus from surfaces by using bleach-based cleaners. If you have cleaners of this nature in your home, you can pack a few in a small zip-lock bag for traveling. Wipe down every surface that you may come into contact with at the airport and on the airplane.
Isopropyl Wipes

Photo by Christine Sandu on Unsplash
Cellphones are some of the dirtiest objects that we are continually touching throughout the day. You can use isopropyl wipes to clean your phone before and after use safely.
Travel Thermometer

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Some symptoms of coronavirus include a rise in body temperature. It is unlikely that you may get coronavirus on your flight and instantly show signs.
The thermometer is to keep track of any symptoms before you board your flight or see family. If your temperature is unusually high, opt to quarantine for 14 days and avoid putting anyone else at risk.