Exploring The Benefits Of A Quick Workout To Offset Working At A Desk All Day
A new study revealed that just thirty to forty minutes of exercise a day can offset a sedentary lifestyle’s adverse effects.
Sitting for a long time is not suitable, but how does one off-set the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle? A new study has suggested that to counter-balance a day of sitting, one would need at least thirty to forty minutes of physical activity.
Given how the world has been experiencing the coronavirus pandemic, many people have found themselves confined to our homes; the timing of this study comes at an opportune moment.
A Sedentary Lifestyle

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A sedentary lifestyle is a significant problem worldwide, and the pandemic isn’t making things any better as more people are finding themselves in lockdown and possibly less active.
"Unlike other major global health risks, levels of insufficient physical activity are not falling worldwide, on average, and over a quarter of all adults are not reaching the recommended levels of physical activity for good health."
Regina Guthold said in a statement.
The Negative Impacts Of A Sedentary Lifestyle

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Getting insufficient exercise is putting an alarming number of adults at risk of chronic disease, according to the World Health Organisation report published in The Lancet Global Health journal.
A lack of exercise or physical activity increases one's risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and body weight.
New Research

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The new research suggests that up to forty minutes of "moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity" every day is about the recommended amount to counter-balance ten hours of sitting. The research also says — although even just standing up helps to some extent.
This means that putting in reasonably activities that may work up a sweat like cycling or brisk walking can lower your risk of an earlier death due to illness to what it would be if you weren't sitting for hours.
Experts Aren’t Sure What Constitutes ‘Too Much Sitting’

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"Although the new guidelines reflect the best available science, there are still some gaps in our knowledge."
Says Prof Emmanuel Stamatakis from the University of Sydney in Australia, who is co-editor of the BJSM but was not involved in the study.
We know for sure that extended periods of physical inactivity have long-term negative impacts. We should make our getting exercise more of a prority. Opt for the stairs, walk your dog, play with the kids, do your yoga, take a walk.
What You Can Do

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Naturally, one’s age and body type will have a bearing on the exercises. Children and adolescents should be averaging around sixty minutes a day of moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity. Adults over sixty-five should perform physical activities that focus on balance and strength three or more days a week.
If the recommended thirty to forty minutes of exercise a day may sound intimidating, you can always start small. Also, finding something that you enjoy can make exercise less daunting.