Inside The WomanlyLive Beauty Bag: Our Team Shares Their Favorite Lip Balms
Every winter the question of how to keep a plump and soft pout arises. This year, the WomanlyLive team has the answers to your woe.
2020 saw the world fall into a spiral as we all tried to desperately adjust to the new normals of staying home more often and wearing a mask all the time in public. Along with the mask, came multiple challenges from “maskne” to unbearably dry, chapped lips.
But while the rest of the world set off on a journey to discover the ideal balms and salves, the WomanlyLive team turned to old favorites. Here’s a glimpse into our ride-or-die lip balms.
Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour® Cream Skin Protectant
Price: $24
The most popular option amongst the team appears to be a cult favorite. The Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour® Cream Skin Protectant is an award-winning skin protectant.
“I am a fan of the legendary Eight Hour Cream from Elizabeth Arden. A tin can is not very convenient to use outside the home, as the product needs to be applied with the fingers. But the formula itself works so well that I am not ready to trade this balm for any other. This is my favorite lip balm for many years.”
Kristina Dovgal, Managing Editor
“Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream because you can also use it on your hands when dry, on your face if you wanna look dewy and it seems to last forever.”
- Siba Mosana, WomanlyLive Writer
Blistex Daily Conditioning Treatment
Price: $10.87 for a pack of 3
Then we have the Blistex Daily Conditioning Treatment. This lip balm reportedly combines moisturizers, vitamins, and protectants to keep your lips baby soft all year long.
“My mom would buy it for me in winter when I was younger because I had a habit of constantly licking my lips. They were always cracked and dry and nothing worked quite as well as DCT. I've kept it near and dear for the last fifteen odd years. While I may have kicked my lip-licking habit, I still have really dry lips that are prone to cracking. In addition to long-lasting moisture, it contains SPF for protection from sunburn.”
- Tumi Mosito, Womanly Writer
Nivea Hydro Care
Price: $19.52 for a pack of 2
Packed with naturally derived ingredients and 100% organic Jojoba Oil, the Nivea Hydro Care lip balm promises long-lasting moisture. It even has an SPF 15.
“Nivea Hydro Care is good for deeply moisturizing dry lips and restoring the natural pink color. I don't normally wear lipstick that often, so discoloration isn't an issue. But it's super soft because of shea butter extracts.”
- Ayesha Muhammad, WomanlyLive Writer
Lip Smackers Yoda Mint Balm
Price: $9
Lipsmacker’s formula is always a good option. However, as usual, it’s the packaging that truly sells the product because who can resist this level of adorableness.
“Let me introduce to you Yoda Mint Balm I mean... just look at this one, I feel like I'm doing my lips in the middle of Tatooine and the Force is with me…”
- Alina Kompanets, WomanlyLive Designer
Klavuu Nourishing Lip Sleeping Pack
Price: $15
Enriched with nourishing avocado, sweet almond, and apricot seed oils, the Klavuu Nourishing Lip Sleeping Mask transforms lips overnight. The thick formula promises supple and soft lips every time.
“I’m a big believer in letting your skin heal and repair itself overnight and this lip balm helps my lips do just that! It also makes an amazing lip primer if you’re going to wear lipstick with a drying formula.”
- Ra’eesah Manack, WomanlyLive Team Lead and Makeup Artist.