Introducing The Mini Ugg Boot
There have been some wild fashion trends over the years. Some are unique and elegant, and some are straight-up unbelievable once they stop trending. There are many ways that fashion influences society, and trends are certainly one of them.
Most recently, a new trend has come about that is taking the world by storm. We can’t decide if we love it just because it’s a trend or because it’s something we can see ourselves wearing for a long time to come.
This new trend might be a little strange, but we know that we’re keen to hop onto it.
The Mini Ugg Boot
Ugg boots have been around for as long as we can remember, but they truly exploded in popularity around the early 2010s, when they became popular as the in-shoe to wear during the fall and winter months.
Over time they lost their popularity and became the kind of shoe that you only wear around the house when you and your S/O are having a lazy pajama day in the middle of winter with movies and popcorn.
However, they are quietly making a comeback in a brand new way. They’ve shrunk! The mini ugg boot is an exciting new trend that has started to gain popularity. The style was introduced last year, but it seems like it is making its official debut this year.
Celeb Style
No trend is a trend unless celebs are jumping onto it, and with the mini ugg boot, we can confirm that it is definitely a trend as multiple celebrities have been seen wearing their mini uggs.
Celebs loved the original ugg boot, and it was seen on many a famous foot while it was still a trend. While we don’t know whether or not celebs use their uggs as around-the-house shoes, we know that they got their wear out of them back in the day.
The mini-ugg is now the in-shoe and can be worn during spring and fall months as it provides the perfect amount of comfort and warmth for days that are chilly but not freezing. It is an edgy fashion statement that we’re excited to try out ASAP!