
Mental Health Guide To Building Emotional Resilience

Mar 12, 2021
10:00 A.M.
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How do you move forward with a renewed spirit when everything around you is a complete wreck? Or worse, how do you find the reason to get back up when you feel emotionally compromised and done for the day?


You might have noticed that some people excel at facing testing situations, while others find themselves in complete disarray. Whether it's the aftermath of a global crisis like COVID-19, or a personal downfall, no two people view and react to an event in the same way.

Emotional Resilience is defined as the ability to handle stressful situations without letting them affect your physical or mental well-being. While some people are well-versed in this relatively rare attribute, others can build it over time. Have a look at some ways this can be made possible.

Practice Self Care

Photo By Anthony Tran On Unsplash

Photo By Anthony Tran On Unsplash


Oftentimes, we overlook the most critical aspect of caring for ourselves. The love and attention that we crave from others can also be sought from within if only we tend to look a little deeper.

For instance, if you're feeling gloomy, take yourself on a little walk outside. Listen to your favorite music or reach out for your favorite cup of latte and relish at the moment. Practicing daily self-care will help you get in touch with your inner self.

Embrace Your Negative Thoughts

Photo By Kira auf der Heide On Unsplash

Photo By Kira auf der Heide On Unsplash


One common mistake that we tend to make is pushing away negative thoughts and sentiments in hopes of feeling better. While nobody wants to harbor toxic emotions, it is essential to understand that ignoring them will only end up intensifying everything.

It would be best if you began by owning your negative thoughts, which will help you gauge their origin. Once you become comfortable with your anxious sensations, it will make you feel more in control of the situation, and you can devise a solution accordingly.

Engage In Mindfulness Activities

Photo By Motor Tonn On Unsplash

Photo By Motor Tonn On Unsplash


Many people confuse mindful activities with physical exertion, whereas they engage your entire body, mind, and soul. Mindfulness is a healthy exercise that helps you tune into your senses and tap into your emotional side.

You don't have to go overboard with the wellness process. Make sure you're getting enough sleep, drinking water, eating healthy, and taking small breaks from your busy schedule to unwind and feel light.

Confide In Your Support System

Photo By Becca Tapert On Unsplash

Photo By Becca Tapert On Unsplash


We all have someone we like to reach out to when we feel vulnerable and down. They can be your friends, partner, or family members, but whoever they are, make sure you have someone you can count on when the going gets super tough.

Sometimes, we can feel like a complete emotional wreck, and our rationality might get clouded. Our support system can offer us sound advice in times of distress and help us see the best possible alternative.

Adopt An Optimistic Outlook

Photo By Hudson Hints On Unsplash

Photo By Hudson Hints On Unsplash


Every cloud has a silver lining, but only genuinely observant people can spot it. Being optimistic means understanding that life will not always offer you a bed of roses and knowing the art of surviving amongst the thorny bushes.

"Like pessimists, realistic optimists pay close attention to negative information that is relevant to the problems they face. However, unlike pessimists, they do not remain focused on the negative. They tend to disengage rapidly from problems that appear to be unsolvable. That is, they know when to cut their losses and turn their attention to problems that they believe they can solve."

-Eric Barker.
