
Our Favorite Homemade Face Masks To Try

Jun 06, 2021
07:00 P.M.

Sometimes your skin needs a bit of TLC, and when you don’t have luxury facemasks lying around, you’ve got to make a plan. Luckily using some simple household ingredients, you can take care of your skincare needs!


It’s the best part of any self-care routine after a long hard week of whatever it is that stresses you out! All you need is a little face mask to sort out your skin while you relax and watch something!

But when you can’t do store-bought, there are plenty of ingredients in the kitchen to make yourself a face mask. Here are the best face mask recipes you can DIY at home!

1. Turmeric And Lemon Juice




This facemask targets pigmentation, so if you’ve got a few scars you want to get rid of, you should try it out. Mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder, honey, and lemon juice each and add a bit of water to paste.

Apply it to your face and leave it for about three minutes. You can use it twice a week, and you should see results in about five weeks or more.

2. Honey Oat Mask



This one’s for dry skin, and it’s super easy to make. Mash ½ an avocado, then mix it with a tablespoon of honey and a handful of oats. Apply it to your face and leave it for 15-minutes so your skin can soak up that moisture!


3. Turmeric And Yogurt



If you’re looking for a solution to your uneven skin tone, then turmeric and honey are the answer! Mix one tablespoon of honey, yogurt, and turmeric together and apply to your skin. Once it’s dry, you can wash it off in the shower!

4. Cacao And Papaya




When you’re looking to find your glow, all you need is some cacao! Mix a tablespoon of cacao powder with quarter papaya and some aloe Vera gel. Leave it on for 10-minutes before wiping it away and see your natural glow shine through!

5. Egg Whites And Honey



You can mix an egg white with a tablespoon of honey and some lemon juice for those large unsightly pores. It’ll leave you with tightened pores that make your skin look like glass!


6. Cocoa And Avo



It’s so good you can eat it off your face once it’s hydrated your skin plenty. Mash a quarter avocado with a tablespoon of honey and cocoa powder, let it sit for 10-minutes before you gobble it up, and feel how hydrated your skin will be!

7. Chamomile And Honey




Brew some chamomile tea and mix a bit of the tea into a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of yeast until it’s a spreadable paste. You can sip on the rest of the chamomile tea while you wait for 20-minutes for the mask to work its magic and fight your acne breakout!

8. Banana And Honey



Using half a banana and a tablespoon of honey and orange juice, create a paste, don’t mind the lumps! This tropical mask will leave you glowing in just 15-minutes!


9. Oatmeal And Baking Soda



You can mix two teaspoons of oatmeal, a teaspoon of baking soda, and some water to create a paste for clogged pores. Once it dries, you can wash it off with warm water and feel your pores finally unclogged!

10. Banana And Olive Oil




When you can feel your skin overproducing oil, you can mix a banana with ten drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. It’ll cleanse your pores and keep your skin hydrated so you won’t suffer an acne breakout.

Apply the mask for 15-minutes, and you’ll be oil-free. So now, when you’re out of your favorite mask, you can crack open the pantry for these ingredients and keep your skin feeling and looking its best!
