
Our Guide To The 'Addams Family' Spinoff

Jun 01, 2021
05:00 A.M.
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They’re creepy, and they’re kooky, and we can’t get enough of them! ‘The Addams Family’ is one of the most-watched families globally, second only to the Kardashian-Jenner clan, perhaps, and it’s easy to see why.


The family is the perfect mixture of weird and wonderful, which every family has and loves to see in other families. Now we will be getting a spinoff of the classic dark comedy that will undoubtedly be incredible.

Here is everything we know about the Tim Burton version of ‘The Addams Family.’

The Spinoff


Tim Burton and ‘The Addams Family are a match made in heaven, so when we heard that we would be getting a spinoff on the famous spooky family from the kookiest director himself, we were understandably super excited!

This spinoff will focus exclusively on the family’s grumpiest member, Wednesday Addams. The spinoff would be a series that sees Wednesday Addams trying to grapple with all of the modern-day challenges we know.


The series will be set in the mystery genre. We will see Wednesday attend Nevermore Academy, where she comes to terms with her psychic abilities and begins to understand the life that her parents lived 25 years ago.

The Cast


While there has not been much mention of the cast as the project has only just got off the ground, the star playing Wednesday Addams will be none other than Jenny Ortega, who starred in the hit series ‘You.’

Wednesday could not have been more perfectly cast as she has a history of mysterious and creepy acting from her time on ‘You’ and will undoubtedly bring a sense of wonder and mystery to this role in the perfect way.


The rest of the cast has not yet been announced. However, many people have speculated who some of the cast may be. Burton as the director will surely be seeing many more incredible actors because of all the incredible actors Burton has worked with in the past.

The 8 part series will air on Netflix, and the artwork has already been released. It shows the silhouette of Wednesday holding a large knife, exactly what we would expect from a collaboration from the spookiest family in the world and one of the kookiest directors ever to grace the earth.

We can’t wait to see who is cast next and what more we can expect from the show. Until then, we are eagerly awaiting seeing Wednesday Addams again.
