
Our Pick: 7 Productivity Apps To Streamline Your Life

May 10, 2021
02:00 A.M.
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Working from home sounds good until it isn't. While working in an office might seem like a chore, there is a method to the madness - productivity and organization. However, due to the current COVID 19 pandemic, many of us switched to working from home, which got interesting.


For one, benefits like access to the fridge at all times to casual outfits (hello comfy sweats) are never going to get old. However, we might have found ourselves more distracted, be it from the temptation of doing anything but our work, entertaining fur (or real) babies.

Despite the distractions, working from home is possible. Although, it requires an exercise in discipline, strategy, and reward. You can scribble down your to-do list in a notebook you'll forget about in 5 minutes, or you can go digital. Scroll below for seven productivity apps you should use to streamline your life right now.



Let's jump right into the creation of lists. A to-do list is great as it allows you to write down your goals for the day, but they are often forgotten somewhere at the bottom of your bag. However, Todoist will provide you with a simple way to organize and track your tasks.

This task manager will set reminders and due dates and track your progress if you collaborate with other people. Moreover, Todoists will give you options on how to sort tasks based on their urgency and dedicated tags.



How much time do you take to do your tasks? If you do not have an idea and are still submitting your work late, Toggl might be your new best friend. Toggle allows you to track the time you take to complete a task.

The idea behind this is that you can schedule yourself accordingly once you are aware of the time you use. Other than that, the app offers scheduling solutions and detailed reports of data to help you maximize your organization.



Flo differs from a lot of the apps in this list. As a working woman, your menses might come in the way of your productivity. Think of cramps or how it sucks to be caught unawares during an online meeting or when making a presentation.

Using Flo will allow you to track menstruation and even menopause on its easy-to-use calendar. Moreover, you can learn about women's health through the app's quizzes when you have a minute.



Evernote is a must-have planner app, and nothing confirms this more than its popularity. If you haven't already downloaded this free app, you're missing out. It's a fantastic organizing and note-taking app that compiles everything in one place.

Capture and arrange all your ideas in one place through PDFs, photos, audio, digital sketches, and much more. Have you forgotten your phone somewhere? Well, with Evernote, you can sync your notes across several devices for ease of access.



You made a promise to yourself on New Years,' and there you are, six months down the line, and nothing has changed (no judgment, we all share in the struggle). Suppose you want lasting change. It's time to attack those negative habits setting you back. The best way to do so is through Habitica.

Habitica uses helpful games to help you create and set new habits to boost your productivity daily. The app does this by providing an avatar. Once you input your goals and desired habits, the avatar will level up each time, and you get to unlock cool quests, pets, and armor.

Time Out

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash


We all lead busy lives, but the best lives are not lead by sitting at your work desk with no rest. Your mental and physical health is just as important. If they fail, your work will falter. If you find yourself unable to rest, try out Time Out.

Time out helps to schedule thoughtful breaks. The theory is that you will focus on your work much better if you know you are due for a break. You can customize your rest times and include coffee and lunch breaks to help you focus on your work. You can also choose to disable the breaks or skip them and have longer ones where you wish.



Lastly, consider using Trello to have seamless interactions with your team as you work on projects from home. The bonus of using Trello is that you can aggregate apps your team already uses (Dropbox, Slack, Google Drive, etc.) for perfect project management.

This means you can open all the tasks right from Trello without leaving the site and going to the app separately. It's best suited to professionals. However, you can use it on your personal projects.
