
Tips To Remember When Cooking For Your Dog

Jun 06, 2021
03:00 P.M.
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Many people are deciding to switch to homemade options for their pets instead of regular store-bought pet food. Your fur babies deserve only the best, and cooking their meals is a great way to show them some extra love!


People are becoming invested in their pets’ health and wellness. And because our dogs play such a huge role in our lives, we only want the best for them!

We love our pets, they provide us with love and support when we need them, and they keep us laughing even when we don’t want to. So picking meals that are actually beneficial to them should be a top priority!



Just like you need a well-rounded diet, so does your precious fur baby! But while your pet deserves the best of the best, it doesn’t mean they should only eat a protein diet!

Your dog’s body works similar to a human’s, and we need various minerals and vitamins. So kick the idea that your dog needs a protein-only, no matter how much they love their proteins!

What do they need?



A protein in the form of lean muscle is the best way to go! You can choose any type of protein, including beef, chicken, lamb, fish, and beans!


Choosing the meat depends on what you can afford and how readily available the protein is. But be wary about using animal liver as it retains some impurities, and you don’t want them to be consuming it in large quantities.

Photo by Ja Ma on Unsplash

Photo by Ja Ma on Unsplash

Include vegetables in their meals, but bear in mind that not all vegetables are healthy for them! Include veggies like carrots, spinach, celery, and peas, so they get the fiber and other nutrients they need!

They also need some good carbs as fiber is an important component of their diet and helps them with digestion. You can include rice, potatoes, pasta, oatmeal, and yams!


Not all foods are good for them.



Some foods aren’t good for your dog at all and should be avoided at all costs! This includes chocolate and fruits and vegetables like onions, avocados, and grapes.

Walnuts, macadamias, coffee, and spices like cayenne pepper are a few more ingredients you should avoid as well! And you should definitely avoid feeding your pet anything you wouldn’t eat, so toss the old food from your fridge away!



Butter, salt, and oil should be used in moderation when cooking for your pet. Dogs also have an 8n issue digesting dairy and corn, so if you’re testing it out in their diet, be prepared for surprises!

You can choose to mix store-bought foods with homemade if you can’t commit to a fully homemade diet. You can switch it up on some days, too. Choosing a homemade diet should be based on your comfort and budget and your dogs’ personal preference!
