The Zodiac. | Source: Shutterstock
The Zodiac. | Source: Shutterstock

Top 5 Worst Zodiac Matches for Your Astrological Sign

Manuela Cardiga
Dec 20, 2022
03:15 A.M.

Making a relationship work is hard enough without having the stars against you. Find out which star signs are compatible with yours and which five are the most toxic.


All those 70s Hollywood movies in which the guy asks the girl, "What's your sign?" may have had a point. The question is more than a tacky pick-up line; it could indicate whether or not the relationship is worth pursuing.

Whatever your star sign is, there are compatible matches and disastrous pairings. Learn the top 5 worst zodiac signs for you, and run for cover if they appear on your doorstep with a bouquet of red roses!

15th century astronomical clock on Prague's Old Town Hall. | Source: Getty Images

15th century astronomical clock on Prague's Old Town Hall. | Source: Getty Images

The 12 Sun signs of the Zodiac are divided into the elements of Air, Earth, Water, and Fire. The three Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius; Air claims Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius; Earth defines Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn; and Water is Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces's sustaining element.


Water and Earth pairings can be dense and muddy; Fire and Air sound good but explosive; Air and Earth can constantly struggle for dominance, and Fire and Water can fizzle out without warning.

Gemini turns the ordinarily gentle, dreamy Pisces into a Rumble Fish, triggering their jealousy with their effervescent, flirtatious nature.

Of course, there are plenty of happy pairings between apparently antagonistic elements or signs. To every rule, there is an exception, and it is also essential to take your prospective partner's Ascendent into consideration. So let's find out what signs you should embrace and which you should avoid like the plague.

Aries. | Source: AmoMama

Aries. | Source: AmoMama


Aries Are Not a Match for Each Other


is ready to fall in love at the drop of a hat, but watch out. For impulsive Aries, careful, sensitive Cancer may not be the best match. Another less likely-to-succeed romance is with a disciplined, ambitious Capricorn. These two will bring out the worse in each other and are not prone to compromises.

Oddly enough, the worse combo for an Aries is another Aries. They may be alike and understand each other, but so much fire can burn down the house. Another sign that will clash with Aries is Scorpio. Yes, they are both fire signs, but their life approaches are very different.

Scorpios are all about deep feelings and sensibilities -- Aries' blunt and forthright attitude can bruise Scorpios and get stung for their troubles. Aries should be wary of falling for airy Aquarius. Yes, air will fan that Aries fire, but the relationship may never deepen beyond the physical, leaving both frustrated and bewildered.

Taurus. | Source: AmoMama

Taurus. | Source: AmoMama


Taurus Is Not Compatible with Some Signs Because of Their Calmness

Taurus is the ultimate Earth sign and is ruled by Venus too, which makes them loving, devoted partners. However, some signs just don't work with Taurus. Though the attraction can be strong, the pairing between Aries and the Bull fails when Aries becomes impatient with Taurus' apparently endless patience.

That slow temper and calmness may be a virtue, but the Taurus will seem stodgy and slow to an Aquarius. Aquarius wants to change the world NOW, and Taurus likes to take the steady, sure way.

At first sight, it seems as if Taurus and Leo have a lot in common. They are fiercely loyal and passionate about comfort and security, but unfortunately, they also share unmovable stubbornness. The problem with Sagittarius is a little different. Sag wants to be out adventuring, and Taurus wants to sit calmly by the fireplace, letting the world rush by.

Initially, Taurus will be attracted to Gemini's charm and bubbly personality, but the flip side of the Twin is volatility -- a no-no for the slow and steady Bull. Another sign that will, unfortunately, charm the Bull is Libra, but though they are both beauty and pleasure lovers, Taurus is all about emotion, and Libra lives for the intellect.

Gemini. | Source: AmoMama

Gemini. | Source: AmoMama


Gemini Has Nothing in Common with One of the Other 11 Signs

Geminis have a bad rep for being inconstant, volatile, and temperamental, but it's very unfair. After all, there are TWO of them. A bad match for Gemini is traditionalist Capricorn, who is ruled by practicality and ambition and doesn't get the Twins' passion for change and innovation.

Taurus and Gemini's relationship may blossom under the warm regard of the Bull's loyal admiration -- until flirty Gemini pokes the Bull into a jealous rage. And THAT is the flip side of Taurus' endless patience: possessiveness.

Gemini and Cancer are a complicated pairing. Cancer is shy and sensitive, but anything but a pushover. They are in charge -- and so is Gemini. The outgoing Gemini and the reclusive Cancer end up at loggerheads. Curiously enough, so will Virgo and Gemini.

Both are dynamic, endlessly curious, and exciting company, but they also share the conviction that they are RIGHT. The titanic clash of two RIGHTS makes a wrong choice for a love affair. Gemini and Sagittarius love debates and discussions, but unfortunately, these often end in ferocious arguments with no winners and a lot of heartaches.

Cancer. | Source: AmoMama

Cancer. | Source: AmoMama


Cancer Makes an Awkward Pairing with One of the Air Signs

Cancer and Aquarius don't swim in the same ocean. The Crab's intuition will be anathema to the rational Aquarius, who will be enraged by Cancer's conventional take on life. Another disaster in the making is Cancer and Gemini.

Cancer is the Crab, ruled by the Moon. Sensitive Cancer has a thick shell but the softest heart. Cancer and Aries are purely incompatible on an emotional level. Cancer needs sensitivity and gentleness, and Aries is all impetuosity and fire.

The moody Crab will be very unhappy with the no-nonsense Sagittarius. Cancer wants security; Sag wants freedom and adventure -- it's a match made in hell. It may look like Libra is sensitive enough for Cancer, but it's misleading. Cancer wants deep, transformative love, and Libra's take is more intellectual. Neither gets what they want.

The Twins' volatility and exuberance will bewilder and intimidate the Crab. Gemini may crave Cancer's unconditional love, but they will find it hard to reciprocate satisfactorily to the Crab. It's just not in their nature.

Leo. | Source: AmoMama

Leo. | Source: AmoMama


Leo Is Not Compatible with One of the Earth Signs

Proud, sunny Leo is incredibly charismatic and universally attractive, but that doesn't mean they are a good fit for every sign. A Leo and Scorpio pairing will turn into the ultimate power struggle. Scorpio wants to be the one and only, and Leo wants to be the one everyone admires.

Another sign that will not work with Leo is Pisces. While Leo is a leadership sign, Pisces is the dreamer. Leo wants to achieve and win, but for Pisces, the idea is an aim in and of itself. Leo and Cancer may be off to a good start but find themselves at a bad end.

Leo's innate flirtatiousness will devastate the insecure Crab. Taurus and Leo will clash over basic values. Taurus is a homebody who likes privacy, and Leo thrives on attention and admiration. Capricorns match Leo for ambition, but while the Lion is warm and generous, the Goat is calculating. Both want to be the boss, and it doesn't work!

Virgo. | Source: AmoMama

Virgo. | Source: AmoMama


Virgo Is Not Compatible with a Free-Spirited Sign

Virgos are famous for their determination and passion for order, and their meticulousness ends up getting on Gemini's nerves and trampling their free spirit. Another paring Virgo would do well to avoid with Sagittarius.

Sag likes to take risks, something a Virgo will never do without carefully considering every angle and planning for every contingency. Pisces may swim into Vigo's life, but the two will quickly become bogged down by their differences. Virgo's down-to-earth practicality will sink Pisces' dreams.

However, another Virgo may not be the best choice if Virgo is looking for happiness. The two will become so embroiled in planning that they will never get to doing it, leading to frustration. Action-addicted Leo, who likes to get on with things, is another sign that will be tearing his mane out over Virgo's indecisiveness.

Libra. | Source: AmoMama

Libra. | Source: AmoMama


For Libra, One Sign Is Simply Too Intense

Born under the rule of Venus, Libra is a sign that longs for a soul mate and is all about finding balance and completeness. Libras may be overwhelmed by Scorpio's intensity and feel they must withhold part of themselves to keep their identity.

You might think Virgo and Libra would get on like a house on fire, but when there is a spark, it might end up with endless bickering and fault-finding on both sides. Charming, charismatic With Leo and flirty Libra, the attraction will spark since both signs enjoy admiration but may have difficulty deepening the relationship beyond the physical.

Aries and Libra can have a tough time of it. Libras bend over backward to please, and Aries can be a little (a lot) self-centered. Their leadership styles will clash, and Aries' impetuousness will horrify Libra, who likes to think everything through twice.

Scorpio. | Source: AmoMama

Scorpio. | Source: AmoMama


There Is a Sign with Which Scorpio Is as Compatible as Oil with Water

Sensual and passionate Scorpios can be too intense and single-minded for some. Libra will be fascinated with Scorpio's dark sensuality but not with their fixation with the nitty-gritty. Libra wants the world to be beautiful, Scorpio likes it real --and something's got to give.

A real Fire and Water non-pairing are Scorpio and Leo. Both intense, authoritative, and passionate will clash and cancel each other out -- and the aftermath may be painful for both.

Scorpio's complete surrender to the one love won't do with Gemini. The Twins like flirting for fun (it doesn't MEAN anything), and Scorpio will feel betrayed and enraged, and that means Gemini gets stung! A Scorpio- Aquarius relationship may well sink under the differences in their expectations.

Scorpio is all about intense feelings and intuition, and their need for a connection can be overwhelming; Aquarius is aloof and intellectual and may feel trapped and limited. A similar outcome could threaten Scorpio and Sagittarius. Sag needs freedom and adventure, and Scorpio wants all-encompassing passion and commitment.

Sagittarius. | Source: AmoMama

Sagittarius. | Source: AmoMama


Sagittarius Is Too Free-Spirited for Some Signs

Sagittarius, the Archer, is always ready to follow that arrow to the next adventure. Unfortunately, it has a fatal attraction for those stay-at-home types who long for stability and peace. First on the list is Cancer. The Crab loves security; Sag loves risk. It just doesn't work!

Virgo's careful planning will drive Sag wild, and Sagittarius's impetuosity horrifies the Virgin. Pisces is another awkward pairing for Sagittarius. While the Fish is happy to spend its life in its bubble, dreaming about adventure, Sag must be doing it.

Cool, controlled, and calculating Capricorn could be another iffy choice for the spontaneous, fiery Sag. The same problem arises with Taurus. The Bull likes to be steady and secure, and Sag sweeps Taurus into discomfort and risk.

Capricorn. | Source: AmoMama

Capricorn. | Source: AmoMama


Problematic Pairs for Capricorn

Capricorn, the Goat, wants success, and practically at any cost. The Goat is not about deep emotions, which is why a relationship with sensitive Cancer is doomed to fail. The same problem will sink the Capricorn-Scorpio boat -- The Goat can't deal with the intensity or retribute Scorpio's passionate devotion.

Libra will drive Capricorn wild with their unconventional mindset and need to judge the rightness of every action. A Capricorn can be callous and ruthless in its drive to succeed. Another problematic partner, and for a similar reason, is Sagittarius.

Capricorn thrives on tradition and control, and Sag is all about thinking and living out of the box and off the grid. One challenging pairing for Capricorn is Aquarius. Capricorn needs success and money for self-realization, and Aquarius wants to change the world for all humanity. Imagine a bank and a non-profit living together!

Aquarius. | Source: AmoMama

Aquarius. | Source: AmoMama


Aquarius Is Too Stubborn for One of the Signs

The age of Aquarius is dawning, but that doesn't make it any easier for the Water Bearer. An Aquarius and a Taurus will struggle to get on the same page. Aquarius thrives on change and innovation, and Taurus likes security at any cost. The one thing they have in common is NOT an advantage: they are STUBBORN at a cosmic level.

Aquarius and Scorpio are going to clash at a fundamental level. Scorpio views the world through intuition and the heart; for Aquarius, logic and rationality define reality. They won't even be in the same book. The same goes for Capricorn, notorious for materialism -- which won't fly with the altruistic Aquarius.

Aquarius and Pisces might seem agreeable until you realize that although they are both idealists, Pisces is much more comfortable fantasizing about a better future; Aquarius needs to build it NOW.

Aquarius and Leo might be attracted to each other, but their differences may be difficult to overcome. The Lion is naturally conservative and will be secretly horrified by Aquarius's free-wheeling eccentricity.

Pisces. | Source: AmoMama

Pisces. | Source: AmoMama


Pisces Is Not Compatible with Most Fire Signs

Pisces is ruled by watery Neptune and definitely swims in an ocean, not of this world. Gemini turns the ordinarily gentle, dreamy Pisces into a Rumble Fish, triggering their jealousy with their effervescent, flirtatious nature.

On the other hand, Pisces' addiction to fantasy will drive the practical, objective Virgo wild. Virgo wants to make a plan, and Pisces is happy, just dreaming about it. Unwise is the Fish who loves the Goat. Pragmatic Capricorn will have no time for Pisces' idealism and leave the Fish battered and bruised by failed expectations being understood.

Fire and Water don't mix, but often Pisces and Aries don't want to listen. Opposites attract, but in the long run, Piscean sensitivity and Aries' impetuosity will clash. Taurus and Pisces' sensitivity may make them look compatible, but it's deceiving.

The Bull and the Fish feed into each other's potentially excessive nature, which can lead to self-indulgence or a toxic interdependence that turns the Pisces' lovely ocean of dreams into a sea of mud.
