
Unpacking Sensory Beauty

Daniella Segell
Sep 09, 2021
09:00 P.M.
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As we become more aware that to be truly healthy, we need to be healthy in mind, body, and soul; many people are changing how they live their daily lives to achieve this overall health.


Many people have turned to meditation and therapy to take care of their minds and souls while eating better and moving their bodies more often to achieve physical health. For this reason, it is no surprise that sensory beauty is beginning to creep in.

What is sensory beauty, you ask? We have every answer that you might need right here for you.

What Is Sensory Beauty

Lotion | Unsplash

Lotion | Unsplash

You have likely been taking care of your skin and hair similarly since you began doing it. You may have changed the routine here and there or replaced products with new and improved ones once or twice, but overall it has probably been pretty stagnant.


However, sensory beauty is here to change all of that. It ushers in a new way to look after yourself that incorporates your body, mind, and soul. It focuses on how your products make you feel, rather than what they are doing for your skin or hair.

Woman doing skincare routine | Unsplash

Woman doing skincare routine | Unsplash

Smell and touch are two of our strongest senses and can instantly take you back to a happy memory or bring about a certain feeling. Sensory beauty means focusing on the products you are using and allowing them to make you feel a certain way depending on the smell or the feel of the product.

What Are The Benefits

Skincare pipette | Unsplash

Skincare pipette | Unsplash


During the pandemic, we were deprived of touch. The fact of the matter is that humans need physical interaction. Even if you are a person who tends not to enjoy others in your personal space, if you have no physical interaction at all, your body will begin to crave it.

Sensory beauty is a tool that people can use to ensure that they have the sensation of physical touch without interacting with anybody else. It allows you to fill your physical touch tank all on your own.

Woman in citrus bath | Unsplash

Woman in citrus bath | Unsplash

You will be able to experience all of the benefits for your mind, body, and soul that come from physical touch by simply focusing intently on the products and how they are making you feel in that moment.


How Can I Practice Sensory Beauty

Woman with clear skin and afro | Unsplash

Woman with clear skin and afro | Unsplash

Sensory beauty is still quite a foreign concept and has not been widely spoken about yet, so it might seem like something you cannot do. However, it is incredibly easy to practice sensory beauty if you just have the right products.

Go out and buy yourself some products that evoke a sense of wellbeing in you. This could be your favorite facial cleanser, a bath scrub that smells like vacation, or body butter that makes you feel luxurious. You will then use these products and focus on how they make you feel in the moment. Bask in that feeling for a while, and then carry on about your day. Easy as that.
