
Workout Questions: Should You Be Drinking Coffee Before Hitting The Gym?

Jun 24, 2021
04:00 A.M.
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Is coffee the right energy boost we need before working out?


Sometimes we feel a bit under the weather, PMS is present, or we're just tired and the last thing we want to think about is working out. But, on the other hand, maybe we just need an extra energy boost to get the juices flowing and hit the gym.

But what's the best solution? Drinking a cup of coffee solves the lack of motivation problem? Well, studies say yes, absolutely. In fact, 1 to 2 cups of joe can give the workout boost you've been looking for. Let's understand.

It Increases Muscular Strength

Photo by LYFE Fuel on Unsplash

Photo by LYFE Fuel on Unsplash


Interestingly, caffeine has been shown to support muscle strength and power. Even though more comprehensive studies need to be conducted to support this theory, an article published in 2017 at Time.com says that caffeine can shift muscles to burn fat more quickly.

It Improves Athletic Performance

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

The same study we listed above shows that caffeine can significantly improve the performance and speed of physical activities that last from 45 seconds to 8 minutes. Another study conducted in 2020 shows that coffee supplementation can boost speed in endurance workouts.


It May Reduce Muscle Pain

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

You might want to sip on a coffee cup before your fitness routine, especially if you have sore muscle or stiffness. Many studies have already been conducted to understand caffeine's role in pain management as it has a potential role in pain modulation.

It Enhances Focus

Photo by ŞULE MAKAROĞLU on Unsplash

Photo by ŞULE MAKAROĞLU on Unsplash


Caffeine is a natural stimulant, and one of its main benefits is to increase alertness and focus; it boosts concentration and gets your body going. When we're more focused, and with a sharp mind, we tend to be more productive in our workouts.

It Increases The Metabolism

Photo by Clique Images on Unsplash

Photo by Clique Images on Unsplash

As you already know, coffee helps to burn fat because it speeds up metabolism. Therefore, a test was conducted with 15 active men in which half of them took 3 mg/kg of caffeine and the rest a placebo.

The results showed that taking a dose of caffeine 30 minutes before working out increased fat oxidation during exercise.
