10 Green Flags To Look For In A Relationship
Often in relationships, we focus on looking for the partner that ticks all of our boxes. Usually, it will first be the physical boxes, and it will then move from there to the emotional and spiritual boxes, but one other thing we are focused on is red flags.
Many people spend their time with their relationship under a microscope, trying to look for any red flag that might arise. Of course, red flags differ from person to person but could be anything from not holding a car door open to being blackout drunk on the first date. However, it is also important to take note of the green flags in a relationship.
Here are some green flags that you should look for when starting a new romantic relationship.

Families are extremely important in anybody’s life. You will notice that your family might be quite distant, but that your partner’s family is close-knit and that you both have different family values. However, there is a green flag hidden in all of this.
If your family is close-knit and loves and accepts your partner as one of their own, that is a green flag, and if your partner’s family is close-knit but still respects and accepts you as part of their family, that is a green flag too.

It is great to have a strong support system in a relationship that you can turn to if you have problems within the relationship. Still, you also need a strong support system within your relationship in the form of your partner.
If your partner is always there and supporting you through everything you go through without you ever having to ask, that is an excellent example of a green flag.
Little Things

There are many ways that you can show love and support in grand and extravagant ways that would show your loved one (and the rest of the world) that you cared deeply for them, but often the best way to do this is to do something little.
If your partner fills your car with gas when you can’t or helps you out when you’re really stressed with work, that is a green flag and shows that they are not only there for all the stuff that seems like it comes straight out of a romantic comedy.

Religion can be a touchy subject in many households and is often the cause of breakups. In addition, religious and spiritual views of the world can allow people to feel isolated in their romantic relationships.
It is not essential, but it definitely does help if you and your partner have the same religious and spiritual views. Not only will it make the relationship easier overall, but it will be something that you and your partner have in common that you can practice together.

Anger towards seemingly meaningless situations can lead to many people seeing a red flag in their partner. Anger and aggression are extremely negative emotions that many people will not accept in relationships.
Suppose your partner can go through a stressful or negative situation without getting angry or aggressive. In that case, you can count it as a green flag because it shows that they can handle situations constructively and positively.

Often people get into relationships that are all about expressing your undying love for one another and having nothing in common but the fact that you love each other and that you are in the same relationship.
Having a friend in your partner is a green flag that should never be ignored. You should always have many things in common with your partner and talk about random things when you have nothing else to do.
The Big Stuff

While it is important for your partner to acknowledge the little things that happen in your life and help with or celebrate them accordingly, it is equally important that they do the exact same things for all of the big things that happen in your life.
If you have something big going on in your life and your partner offers to help or calls when it’s over to check on how it all went, you are looking at a giant green flag. This person is showing that they care about things you care about.

In any relationship, it is important to spend time laughing with one another, and if ever you feel like you aren’t able to, it is probably a red flag. Your partner should be able to make you laugh and share jokes at all times.
Finding someone with good banter is something so special that you can regard it as a green flag. If you and your partner spend more time laughing than doing anything else, you’ve found a good one.
Self Care

As people, we often invest ourselves fully into our relationships, not thinking about the effects that they are having on us. Unfortunately, this means that you neglect yourself and need to focus more on the relationship.
However, this can be harmful to you and your partner. If you find someone who invests in themselves and takes care of themselves and encourages you to do the same, it is a green flag that you can tick off.

In every area of our lives, we need boundaries, whether it be in our romantic relationships or our interpersonal relationships in day-to-day life. Boundaries are essential to your mental health and wellbeing.
If you find a partner who has healthy boundaries set for themselves and respects the boundaries you have set for yourself, you have found a keeper and can most definitely consider a green flag.