10 Wholesome Activities To Do Outside
There are countless benefits to taking some time just to be outside. Not necessarily doing anything, but just taking in the sunset or looking at the trees.
Being cooped up inside can make you feel trapped while also having an effect on your menatl health. After the months of staying indoors as much as possible, being outdoors, in the spring and summery climate no less, has never been so appealing.
You don't need an excuse to go outside, but we have a few suggestions for you if you're looking for one. Here are ten wholesome things to get up to outside:
Take A Walk

Photo by Jeffrey Grospe on Unsplash
Take a stroll, a brisk shuffle, or even a sassy strut outside. If there's a park or beach nearby, make it a point to pass it or even stop for a while to take it all in.
Go Camping

Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash
You don't have to go far to enjoy the outdoors; you just have to not be indoors. Or if you're keen on getting the full experience, pack up go to a campground.
Plant a Vegetable Garden

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Get some seeds from your local gardening center, and demarcate an area or your yard for your vegetable garden. You can invite over a friend and start digging together. With some regular nurturing, it won't be long till you can enjoy the fruits (or veggies) of your labor.
Go kayaking

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash
If it's an adventure you seek, grab a life jacket and a paddle, and get ready to go kayaking. You can turn this into an exciting date with your partner or a friend's day out.
Photo Challenge

Photo by Regina Victorica on Unsplash
This another activity you can do with friends. Go out and take pictures of objects that start with each letter of the alphabet. See how many you can get.
Go For A Hike

Photo by Holly Mandarich on Unsplash
Hiking is a great way to get some cute pictures, sneak in a workout and enjoy a spectacular and immersive view of nature. There are hike trails all around the world suited for people of different adventure levels.
Take In The Sunset

Photo by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash
This may not seem like much, but it can help you carve out a bit of time every day to stop doing and just be in the moment. You can take this time to reflect or clear your mind of all the things that might occupy it during the day.

Photo by Cameron Venti on Unsplash
Go for a jog, a skip, or a bicycle ride outside. You're not only working up a sweat, but you're also getting in that outside fresh air.
Have Your Coffee Outside

Photo by Gaëlle Lewyllie on Unsplash
Sometimes you might feel like you don't have much time, so while doing something you'd regularly do, move it outside. During your lunch break or when you're having your morning coffee, go outside and look at the sky.
Climb A Tree

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
When last did you climb a tree just for the adventure of it? It might sound a little silly to be an adult climbing tree if it's something you haven't considered in years but find the time in your day to be playful and curious.