
20 Podcasts That Celebrate Women's History

Mar 09, 2021
03:00 P.M.

In March, we celebrate International Women's Day. It's an occasion to commemorate women's social, economic, cultural, and political achievements.


While Women's Day may present an opportune moment to reflect on the efforts and activism of women over the years, there isn't one way in which the day should be recognized.

As such, we've compiled a diverse list of twenty podcasts to educate, entertain, inspire and uplift in honour of women's history.

'The History Chicks'


The legacies of influential women live on in a podcast that highlights the lives of real and fictional women who have shaped the world like Frida Khalo and Cleopatra.

'What’s Her Name'


This podcast tells the stories of inspiring women who have made an impact and elevates their contributions to society and the country.

'Feeling My Flo'


Sanitary products have come a long way from the 1800s when people had to make their own using thick fabric. This podcast tells the story of the transformation of menstrual pads to the options we have today.

'The Dead Ladies Show'


"The Dead Ladies Show" is a podcast about women in various fields who strived to accomplish their goals and succeeded.

'Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls'


Get a history lesson about some of the influential women who've made their mark on history. The stories include iconic figures like Wangari Mathai and Billie Jean King.

'Forever Ago Podcast'

Photo by Joy Stamp on Unsplash

Photo by Joy Stamp on Unsplash

Though this is a podcast designed for children, you may find it intriguing even as an adult. Each episode looks at an object, then delves into its history.

'American Innovations'


"American Innovations," tells the stories of some of the significant scientists, engineers, and ordinary people behind the greatest discoveries of recent history. The episode about the creation of birth control is fascinating.

'Dig: A History Podcast'


"Dig: A History Podcast" is by four historians who highlight some of the significant historical events in relation to politics.

'HerStory Podcast'


The #HerStory Podcast tells short stories of fifty influential women throughout history by women who are making history.

'Skimm’d From The Couch'



"Skimm’d from the Couch" is a podcast that interviews women who have had extraordinary careers. It aims to bring out the lesson and notable experiences associated with the respective careers.

'Stuff Mom Never Told You'


"Stuff Mom Never Told You" gets into topics around feminism and women's history. You can catch a new episode every Wednesday and Friday.


"Nerdette" is a podcast that pretty much offers a safe space to "nerd out." It brings attention to some of the important occurrences throughout the world.


'Woman’s Hour Daily'


"Woman's Hour Daily" talks about the past issues and how they subsequently inform the present. But they also have episodes talking about current affairs and topical matters.

'Encyclopedia Womannica'


"Encyclopedia Womannica" has different seasons that are categorized by different central themes: "warriors," "leaders," and "beautiful minds."

'Historically Black: NASA’s Human Computers'

"Historically Black: NASA’s Human Computers" If you've watched the film "Hidden Fences" (2016), then you've got the basis of this podcast episode.

'The Exploress'


"The Exploress" uncovers the stories of history's women like Cleopatra, Zelda Fitzgerald, and Zenobia. It takes us all the way back, even to medieval times to tell these important stories.

'Rise Podcast'


In the episode titled "Gaining Financial Dignity with Stacey Flowers," the host Rachel Hollis interviews Stacey Flowers about their financial fall and rise.

'Deviant Women'


"Deviant Women" is premised on the idea that "well-behaved women seldom make history." The podcast gives us a look at women who chucked out the rule book and made subsequent history.

'Ordinary Equality'


The episode "The Ghost of Alice Paul" looks into the long history of the Equal Rights Amendment and Alice Paul, a woman commemorated for her role as the author of the amendment.

BBC History Extra: 'Hypatia: The Murdered Mathematician '

Hypatia; Julia Margaret Cameron (British, born India, 1815 - 1879); Freshwater, Isle of Wight, England; 1867; Albumen silver print. (Photo by: Sepia Times/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Hypatia; Julia Margaret Cameron (British, born India, 1815 - 1879); Freshwater, Isle of Wight, England; 1867; Albumen silver print. (Photo by: Sepia Times/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

The "Hypatia: The Murdered Mathematician" podcast is a twenty-eight-minute-long venture into the life of Hypatia, the mathematician murdered by a mob in the city of Alexandria.
