
5 Home DIY Projects Worth Trying

Apr 03, 2021
05:00 A.M.
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As we continue to spend more time indoors, you may have realized a few things that desperately need a makeover or two. However, you may be less inclined to invest in expensive projects as we tighten our wallets.


Therefore, instead of daydreaming about your perfect space, how about you take up one D.I.Y project at a time? You have got time on your hands. Consider using this time to build a garden or finally figure out how to solve your storage space issue.

We like it easy around here, so we compiled some super easy D.I.Y projects that can beautify your space. All you need are a couple of supplies, and you are good to go. Read on for five of our best D.I.Y projects.

Create A Custom Mirror


Instead of swapping your mirror for a new one, how about you give it a makeover? All you will need is some spray paint and tape. Be careful not to stain anything. Use regular paint to paint two sloping sides. Once dry, tape them over and spray paint the rest of your mirror frame with a color you like.

Make A Picture Ledge


Looking for an exciting way to showcase your best memories? You can do so with this picture ledge project. If your framed pictures are taking up space on your bookshelves, place them on these gorgeous ledges. Also, the entire project costs $10.

Paint Terracotta Pots


2020 may have made some of us into plant parents, and if you are one of the lucky few that survived not killing your plants, this project is for you. Revamp your terracotta planters with some bright paint to brighten up your space.

Make Candles + Soaps


If you love scented candles as much as we do, then consider making your own. You can purchase a kit with a premade base. They are much safer, considering you don’t have to come into contact with lye. Make some for yourself or as gifts to friends and family.

Create A Compost Bin

MediaIf sustainability is your thing, you can try and make your compost bin. Take your food scraps and make them into a nutrient-rich fertilizer. You will need to build your bin, which can be done with wood that isn’t treated for a truly organic experience.
