5 Self-Care Reminders To Note Down
It's easy to remember our go-to motivating quotes when we're in a good mood, but when we need the pick me up the most, it's easy to put ourselves second.
With positive quotes, they may feel like they resonate on our good days. But saying something positive to yourself on your lower days can sometimes feel contrived and even fake. Still, we remind ourselves regardless because the words we say to ourselves are some of the most important.
Take note of some of the quotes that hit home for you that you know future you may appreciate. Write them down and stick them on your mirror or make them your wallpaper.
Life Is Short
A reminder to live in the moment because life is too short not to. Express yourself and love freely, and that includes loving yourself.
Boundaries And Demands
Many of us have been conditioned to put others first to the point that it may even be compromising to ourselves. However, it's important to remember that boundaries are actually an act of self-love.
Free Self-Care
We can sometimes fall into the trap that self-care requires money. Self-care can be expressed through our approach to life as opposed to an activity.
Worthwhile Practices
Life is a series of practices. While we may not be "right" every day, that doesn't make us bad or failures. Here are some practices to exercise regularly.
Validating Your Own Feelings
Remembering that your thoughts and feelings are yours and while you someone may have hurt you, their lack of compassion for your feelings shouldn't have dominon over your life.