5 Simple Steps To Start Saving
We are gradually and finally settling into 2021. Even though we never thought that we wouldn't be in complete control of things for one full year, we are doing it and adapting nicely into this situation called life.
This isn't to say that you should throw caution into the air and all your savings let loose because that's a sure way to die quickly! If you're like most of us, there's a burning need to enlighten yourself on things to do to be on top of your money game this year.
The pandemic might have hit us all, but the effects are unique per individual. While some got laid off, others had their salaries slashed by half, and if that's not an inconvenience, I don't know what else is.
1. Save Seriously

Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash
If you have not been saving aggressively, now is the time to start. Start small and be mindful. After all, tiny drops make an ocean. We're going on about savings for the umpteenth time. If you still have an income, no matter how small, consider putting out some emergency funds.
2020 should have opened your eyes to a realization that anything can happen. From as little as piggy banks to major savings accounts, this is a must-do. No negotiations!
2. Learn An Online Skill

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash
Recently, most of us have spent most of our days indoors and for a good reason. This has resulted in a boost in online courses. Whether you're a primary key in your industry or job hunting, adding a relevant skill to your arsenal.
Adding a relevant skill would most definitely boost your skillset and salary. Getting armed up with programming languages is lucrative and even with a ready market. Try something new; it helps.
3. Reduce Expenditure

Photo by Avery Evans on Unsplash
There's a way better chance of staying afloat and even holding it down if you strike out the countless guilty pleasures you've labeled "reward for hard work." Shop strategically by exploring the best deals available.
It's true; you've worked hard and deserve random treats but reducing spending to necessities and using budgeting tools are essential things you need to do to be on top of your money game this year.
4. A Side Hustle

Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash
If there's anything you should have on the side, it's a complementary hustle. Everyone needs to find a way to double the hustle, which will pay off in the long run.
Another income source will always be welcome because a few more bucks in hand keep the debt song away. Freelance online or seasonal jobs are options to consider.
5. Protect Your Money

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
One of the essential things to do to be on top of your money game this year is to protect your financial information. Researchers claim that the number of fraudsters has tripled probably due to individuals' economic decline and laid-back approach to their finances.
Be mindful at the ATMs, create more complex passwords, and don't share personal data carelessly. You sure don't want your hard-earned money going into the hands of fraudsters.