
6 Easy Yoga Poses To Help Ease Bloating

Feb 01, 2021
05:34 A.M.

No one ever likes to feel bloated. You feel uncomfortable, moody, and self-conscious. These six easy yoga poses will bring some relief to your bloat and is a great way to start your day.


We've all been there; maybe you overate the night before, or you're struggling with health conditions such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) or Endometriosis, which may cause you to suffer from chronic bloat. Whatever the reason, it can affect your mental well being and make you feel self-conscious.

Yoga is a healthy and natural way to calm oneself down, and also with these poses help relieve the bloat, indigestion, and gas one may be struggling with. Yoga is best done in the morning, and it's a great way to start the day by stretching out those muscles in a calming way. These yoga poses can be incorporated into your typical yoga routine or even at the end of your workout routine.




1. Child's Pose - Balasana



Child’s Yoga Pose is also known as the “Child's Resting Pose.” This pose is known to stretch out the thighs, ankles, hip, and stomach as you lay forward and apply pressure to the lower abdomen.

The pose helps you release some stress in the form of deep breaths as it helps to relieve any discomfort one must be feeling due to the bloat. Initially, when you do this pose, it may be uncomfortable, especially if you're suffering from chronic bloat. Once you settle into doing this pose regularly, it becomes a bit easier.




To do this pose, kneel on the floor, hips resting on the heels of your feet. Bending at the waist, keep your arms reach them out in front of you (or to your side), and slowly stretch your fingers out forward as far as you comfortably can.

Once you have settled into the pose, breath in and out for about 30 - 40 seconds, holding the pose. With your hands, walk yourself up into an upright position and repeat this pose as many times as you'd prefer.

2. Cat/Cow Pose - Chakravakasana




Cat/Cow pose are two poses that pair well together. It helps stretch out the neck, back torse and gently stimulates the abdominal organs. These poses help with bloating and indigestion as it helps stretch out the stomach muscles upwards and downwards.

This pose also helps develop proper posture as it brings the spine into correct alignment. When done regularly, it can help prevent back pain, mostly lower back pain.




From a seated position, change your position, moving forward with your knees on the ground underneath your hips, forming into a “tabletop position.” Place your hands in front of you on the floor underneath your shoulders.

Take a deep breath in and slowly push your stomach towards the ground as you look to the ceiling. Next, exhale as you gently push your stomach upwards, as your head moves downwards with your chin towards your neck. These two yoga different yoga poses can be repeated 5 -10 times or as many times as you'd prefer.

3. Downward Facing Dog Pose - Adho Mukha Svanasana




The Downward Facing Dog may not seem like a pose that could help with bloating, but it does help. It improves circulation as it stimulates digestion and it helps relieves the uncomfortable gas buildup in the stomach.

ThIS pose is named after the way dogs naturally stretch their entire bodies and rejuvenate the whole body and improve circulation. The Downward Facing Dog Pose can also be included in a pre-workout stretching routine to help loosen the muscles.



Stand with your feet hip-width apart, keep your back straight, hinge forward, and press your palms to the ground. Hold the pose for five to ten deep breaths, alternate between the child's pose, or gradually continue with this pose from the Cat-Cow pose.


4. Upward Facing Dog Pose - Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana



The Upward-Facing Dog Pose is a part of the Sun Salutation Series. It is a position through back bending that helps stretch out the neck muscles, chest muscles, arm muscles, and abdomen muscles. It can help stimulate circulation, which can aid with indigestion or gas problems one may be having and movement in the body.

Begin lying flat on your stomach, bend your elbows, bring your hands next to your chest and draw your shoulder blades together. Press the edges of your hands into the floor and slightly backward as if you were trying to pull your lower back away as you start to lift your torso off the floor, keeping your legs straight.




Take a deep breath in and lift your torso upwards while raising your hips and thighs off the floor. Tilt your head slightly back, but not so far back. Keep your arms straight and your legs strong, pressing through the tops of your feet.

You'll be able to feel especially your stomach muscles tighten in this pose, which can help with bloating. Hold this pose for 5 - 6 deep breaths. The Upward-Facing Dog Pose can be alternated with the Downward Facing Dog Pose.

5. Hugging Chest Pose - Apanasana




The Hugging Chest Pose is also known as a "Wind-Relieving Pose.” It's safe to say it is one of the most effective yoga poses that can help with indigestion, gas, and bloating.

Start by lying flat on your back, arms resting at your side. Inhale deeply, then on your exhale, bend the knees and slowly bring them up to your chest, hugging your legs close to your body. Hold the pose for 5 - 10 deep breaths, and you can slowly transition to the next pose.

6. Bridge Pose - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana




The Bridge Pose can easy be transitioned into the Hugging Chest Pose. This pose helps your blood flow, making you feel more energized. It also helps strengthen your arm and leg muscles while tightening your stomach muscles. The pose can help relieve any gas and bloating one may be experiencing.

Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Keep your arms beside your body and your feet flat on the floor. Take a deep breath in and move your hips up, stretching your chest out. Hold the pose for as long as you can hold your breath. Repeat the pose 5 - 10 times.
