
7 Nail Polish Colors Suitable For The Office

Mar 26, 2021
05:00 P.M.

Hey Ladies! Are you a lover of pretty nails? Do manicures calm you down? Perhaps one thing that makes you happy is looking at your nails and seeing them all prettied up?


However, you might be working in an organization with strict rules of conduct against particular colors that are already boring you out. That shouldn’t deter you from making a statement with your nail polish.

Great nails don’t happen by chance; they happen by appointments. Those nails won’t make themselves, so nail up and have compliments pile up on your desk at work.

1. Red


That’s probably the most standard polish. The good news is that different shades of red can spice up your look. Red is one bright and universally accepted nail polish color. As far as you’re concerned, red is red!

Also, red is a color that demonstrates power while being bold and confident. Show that you're a leader with any variation of this shade, which tends to invoke feelings of strength.

2. Designed Nudes


Yes, we know it might seem too obvious and cliche, but you can always spice it up with cute tiny designs like glitters or encrusted stones.

When choosing this manicure for your nails, remember that less is more. Don’t go overboard with the stones. You can choose just one nail to be stoned minimally.

3. French Tips


Simple, classy, and timeless, that’s one way to describe french tips. It works every time, and no matter the length, it is always cute and office-friendly.

Regardless of the business sector and company, you can make your nails beautiful and neat while satisfying your taste. Professional French-style manicure is simple, but the nails look exquisite and neat.

4. Pink


To stick by the rules, use a paler shade and glam it up with some glitters. What’s a girly girl’s nail polish world without pink. That’s right, and Barbie has nothing on you.

Whether you choose a pale shade of pink or a brighter shade, be sure that they look fresh, refined, and polished. You can opt for matte or gel polishes that would last longer.

5. Pearly White


One place where white can’t always be associated with subtle is on the nail polish desk. Applying them like that would be entirely loud and maybe work-inappropriate. So make it paler, perhaps with a topcoat.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the skin as it must be well-groomed. Dry hands will ruin even the most beautiful office manicure. Always have your hand lotion nearby.

6. Mauve


This is a good color that would definitely not land you into trouble. They boost your confidence level, and we bet you won’t stop talking with your hands anytime soon.

Manicure is the business card of every girl. Based on the condition of her nails, you can determine her sense of style. Plus, the sight of your nails will not escape the customer's eye.

7. Pale Blue


There are milder blue shades you can explore. It helps your nails stay colorful and ensure that your boss won’t give you the side-eye.

A business manicure can also mean more exciting colors. They can be set in tones that match your outfit as well. Be sure it is complementary and not totally off the point.
