
A Beginner's Guide To Edible Gardens

Dec 24, 2020
06:50 P.M.

If you don’t know what hobby to adopt next, try growing a vegetable garden. You will have lots of fresh and juicy vegetables to eat, right from the comfort of your edible garden.


Health has become a top priority with the coronavirus pandemic entering our lives. People have started sorting out their preferences, and eating healthy is a massive part of it.

Many of us have gone vegan over the past few years, simply because vegetables have remarkable benefits. If you want to add healthy, juicy, and organic vegetables to your diet, then go through our beginner’s guide to growing an edible garden.

Choose the Right Location

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash


You have to make a wise choice when it comes to knowing where to plant your edible garden. You should opt for a place that receives enough sunlight because most vegetables need it in sufficient amounts. You should also know which veggies prefer shady environments.

Retain a sound water level in the soil. If your soil is too wet, create a raised bed for the veggies. If the ground has rocks, remove them, and level the planting area. It would be best if you planted in a place that doesn’t get too many strong winds or heavy rain, as they can destroy the veggies.

Pick the Right Plot Size

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


It is best to start by picking a relatively small plot size. If you end up planting a lot of vegetables, you might not be able to take care of them. It is better to start small and then gradually grow your vegetable garden.

A smaller garden is also easy to manage. You can start by growing only those veggies that you eat more often, and then progress.

Choose What You Want To Grow

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


You might want to pick and choose your veggies, but there are simpler ones to plant first. Tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, peppers, carrots, beets, radishes, lettuce, green beans, and spinach are some of the easier veggies to plant.

Make sure you know which veggies grow best in which season. It is also good to go for veggies that are not readily available at your nearest grocery store. You need to pick high-quality seeds because they reap the best veggies.

Where & When To Plant

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


Some veggies only grow best in the spring season. It would help if you planted cool-season veggies after spring and warm-season ones later on in the season.

It is also good to know which veggies are annuals and perennials. Plant your cool-season vegetables in shady areas, and leave more room for the veggies which are tall and need more space. Leave sufficient space between plantations.

When To Plant What

Photo by www.zanda.photography on Unsplash

Photo by www.zanda.photography on Unsplash

It is better to know the temperature and weather conditions in your region. If you know how much sunlight or rain you get and how good your soil is, it helps take things forward.

We know it sounds overwhelming, but growing your edible garden is both fun and, ultimately, a delicious experience.
