
A Guide To Protecting Your Mental Health Over The Holidays

Mar 28, 2021
03:00 P.M.
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The Holidays are a tough time for many; when the temperature drops and the sun goes away, it can take a toll on our mental health. Fear not; there are ways to help keep your spirits up throughout the holidays!


COVID stays stealing joy like the Grinch! But this Easter doesn’t have to be another holiday we lose to this pesky disease, and you most certainly don’t need to be feeling low and alone!

Your mental health is important, and sometimes you get distracted and forget to do the work to keep your spirits up. That’s okay; here are some ways to help get you out of that slump and feeling like yourself again!

Get Out


Kind of like the movie, yeah, only you have to go back in at some point! Walking is a great way to cope with stress and is a great mood booster.

Spending some time in nature can help boost your concentration and mood, so take your walks outside instead of on a treadmill, and don’t forget your mask. Now that the sun's coming out get out there and soak it up!

Feel Your Feelings

Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

The only way to feel better is by getting through these horrible feelings! So don’t avoid these feelings, welcome them, and let yourself know that it's okay to feel lonely or disappointed about another holiday without family and friends!


Don’t get stuck in your feelings though, after an allocated time, busy yourself with other activities to get your mind off feeling down. Speaking to someone can help you dig yourself out of a grief pit; it doesn’t have to be a therapist, but they’re certainly better equipped to get you back on track!

Connect With Others



With many people unable to go out and get their groceries, offering assistance is a great way to meet neighbors you’ve never bothered with before. You can also check on anyone you know who lives alone, see if they need company.


A socially distanced gathering is a great way to get in deprived social interactions, but better options do exist because of the possible attached risks. So make FaceTime dates, write to your loved ones, and check-in with each other often!

Substance Abuse

Many adults turn to substances like alcohol and drugs to help them cope with their negative emotions. Research shows that substance abuse can negatively impact conditions like depression and anxiety.


So while a bottle of alcohol may look tempting, remember there are better ways to deal with stressful emotions and try some techniques to help you cope. If you still need substances to cope with your feelings, you might benefit from talking to a mental health professional.

Expectations Are Just That

We tend to get ourselves down about where we should be in life compared to where we are. Our mind is our own enemy sometimes, and seeing people around us, especially on social media achieving more in a day than we have all week can bring us down.


We have to remember that we are where we’re meant to be, and even if someone else is more successful than us, it doesn’t take away from our progress! As long as we put in the work and effort, we’ll get where we want to be.

Always be grateful for what you have, what you have achieved, and especially for the people in your life. Fill your life with love and support to help keep you on track, and if you ever feel like it's more than you can handle, seek help from a friend or a therapist!
