
A Guide To Starting A Sex Journal

Aug 09, 2021
12:00 A.M.
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By now, you probably know how beneficial journaling is for you. It can help you identify patterns and blockages in your life that could be holding you back that you might not have noticed if you hadn’t been journaling.


Since journaling is so great for your day-to-day life, having a specific journal for certain areas of your life is no doubt beneficial, too. For this reason, you should probably start keeping a sex journal.

The idea might be daunting, and you may have no idea where to start, but WomanlyLive is here to tell you.

What Is A Sex Journal?



Many people keep journals in which they write down their thoughts and feelings about how their days are going or how they think they should process a certain situation that has occurred in their life that they can’t process without writing it down.


Journaling has become quite a common practice and is used by many people to find solutions, patterns, and habits in their lives to figure out how they should deal with certain situations constructively.



A sex journal is much the same as a normal journal; only it focuses solely on your sex life. Patterns, habits, and recurring themes popping up in your sex life will be found when you begin your sex journal to change your sex life for the better.

How Do You Keep One?




Remember that time on ‘F.R.I.E.N.D.S’ when Monica taught Chandler about the seven erogenous zones? You can use your sex journal in the same way. Draw a map of your body, and after each sexual encounter, plot the zones on your body where you felt the most sensual when touched. You can also journal after each sexual experience to say how it was and what didn’t work for you.

You can journal on your own or with your partner, depending on your preference. Journaling with your partner might allow you both to talk about things that you like and dislike about your sex life without feeling awkward with one another.


The Benefits



In the same way that journaling about your daily life allows you to find habits and patterns that are not serving you, journaling your sex life will help you find what you like and dislike in the bedroom and give you ideas on how to fix that.

Starting a sexual journal will also allow you to tell sexual partners exactly what they need to do for you to feel the most pleasure. It will help you process all of your sexual experiences rather than just leaving them in the bedroom once you’re done.


The Bottom Line



If you haven’t started a sex journal and feel like it might be beneficial to you, you can start one at any time and keep it for as long as you need to. For example, some people may only keep a sexual journal while they’re single, and some people might think that a sexual journal will help improve their married sex life.

Either way, sexual journals introduce you to yourself on a much deeper level as they delve into your sexuality and all of the things that make you unique in the bedroom, so if you want to know yourself better, it’s time to start journaling.
