An Ed Sheeran Song For Every Feeling
Being a touchy feely person can be hard, but seeking refuge in music can be the best thing ever. When you’re at a loss for words and can’t explain how you feel, let an Ed Sheeran song do the talking on your behalf.
Music can be therapeutic and calming, relieving our heart and soul of all those wounds that we can’t stitch up ourselves. There’s a reason why you love your favorite songs because they can be your most lyrical companions when nothing else makes sense.
Our beloved ginger boy has a diverse music playlist, with a song for those freaking feelings you’ve felt all too often. Check out some of the most iconic Sheeran tunes that give words to your complicated emotions, with a lyrical twist.
1.Shape Of You - When You’re Feeling Sensual
You might have rapped on this upbeat track, but try listening to it on repeat the next time your sensual side takes over.
2.Castle On The Hill - Longing For Home
For the people who are away from home and family and facing the lockdown blues alone, find solace in this soothing song.
3.Thinking Out Loud - When You’re Falling In Love
Love is the most beautiful feeling we can ever experience. Channel those romantic feelings while humming this divine tune.
4.You Need Me, I Don’t Need You - When You’re Feeling Invincible
Being all too strong and indestructible might get to our heads sometimes, but relishing in those boss vibes is worth the fun. Sheeran knows the freaking feeling.
5.I’m A Mess - When You Hit Rock Bottom
Feeling messed up and not knowing how to make sense of all the chaos around you is a terrible feeling. Give in to this relatable track as you calm down.
6.Take It Back - When You Want The World To Acknowledge Your Power
Take it from ginger boy whenever you feel like the world is taking you for granted, for you surely are a force to be reckoned with and nothing less.
7.The A Team - When You Feel Too Far Gone And Despair
There’s a never-ending list of songs out there to explain our irony. However, none of them can compare to Sheeran’s phenomenal voice.
8.Drunk - When Your Heart Gets Broken
Heartbreak and heartache are all too common, and the pain and loss can be very hard to deal with. Better get love-drunk listening to “Drunk” than coil up in a corner and feel horrible.
9.Give Me Love - When You’re Not Quite Done Feeling For Your Ex Lover
Looking for those love remnants from your ex, even though it sounds absurd? Trust Sheeran, he knows the feeling.