6 Hilary Duff Songs That Remind Us Of Our Teenage Years
Those carefree, bygone years seem like a fresh memory the moment we go back in time to hear our favorite music on repeat. And our beloved Disney Queen dominated those bittersweet teenage years when juggling homework and playing time were the only things worrying us.
Where did all the time go when we had a song for nearly all our mood swings? Those precious high school days will forever be etched in our memories when getting sugar rush and banging our desk tables while the teacher was away were our main priorities.
Whether it involved humming sweet sixteen in your sweet sixteens or day-dreaming listening to chasing the sun, Hilary Duff has served some serious music inspiration to our young and naive selves. Cherish the yesteryear memories by listening to her five songs that are a sweet reminder of our teenage years.
1.Sweet Sixteen
This list would not have been complete without including Duff’s signature tune for teenagers. To all the little girls who are not so little anymore, hearing this song will give you high-key emo vibes.
2.Chasing The Sun
If you’re missing those summery beach days and all the fun and excitement they brought along, you’d resonate with this song on a different level. Duff’s magical voice will compel you to hum along to this sweet tune.
We’re positive that no teenager would be a stranger to this rather jam-worthy track. If you still haven’t listened to it, Duff’s dark-haired sensual look is another reason to change your mind.
4.Play With Fire
If you remember dancing with your girl pals on the remix version of this upbeat track, your teenage years were indeed memorable. Bonus points if your emo makeup was on point.
Disney lovers would recall Hilary Duff’s signature hair-cut and smokey eye makeup back from this famous track, “Fly.” Herald the era when music as amazing as this was our refuge from all the negativity around us.
Blue-haired Duff showing her impressive moves is making our hearts go wild. And bravo to the folks who can’t help join her in the whistling game.