
Ashley Graham Reveals The Affirmations She Uses To Overcome Her Insecurities

Jul 29, 2021
01:00 A.M.

Model, mother, and businesswoman Ashley Graham manages to combine all aspects of her life with flying colors. Crazy about personal development, she recently revealed the affirmations she uses to overcome her insecurities.


Self-confidence is not innate! Confidence can be a difficult thing to build. It comes with time. And it's not Ashley Graham who will tell you otherwise. The fashion icon and influencer may have helped give visibility to plus-size models since her breakthrough by gracing countless magazines and winning numerous campaigns.

However, the new mom is the first to admit that self-love doesn't always come easily in the fashion industry. Nevertheless, she has become an example of body positivity and self-esteem for women around the world.

"I am daring," "I am brilliant," "I am beautiful."


It might sound weird, especially at first, but repeating affirmations to yourself every morning in front of the mirror can really change the future. For example, when she was in a down period and wanted to leave everything, she had to change her way of talking to herself by changing her language. So she created affirmations.

Reverse Psychology


To get into the fashion industry that didn't understand her body, she had to be strong. Because this industry is always ready to manipulate and control your body if you let it, the industry would have dictated it to her if she hadn't liked who she was then.

So, she did reverse psychology, and she always came to a happy, positive, and grateful job, which made every moment rich in lessons. Also, one of the biggest lessons she had learned in life is that we all go through challenges and difficulties, but it's how you deal with them that really matters.

Defend Who You Are


A follower once said to her that she looked like she was pregnant. She had to correct the person by telling them that it was just fat. However, the fat lodged in the bottom of her stomach does not prevent her from spending half of her life in a bikini.

By responding to this comment, she wanted above all to show her fans and especially young girls, that one can reply, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, you must not curse or be aggressive since this is not about proving something but defending who you are.

Take Care Of Your Body


There is a misconception that strong women don't exercise, eat healthily, and just don't take care of their bodies. And frankly, it's the opposite! To eat very healthily, she exercises 3 to 5 times a week.

Physical exercise is essential for her from a mental point of view. This should apply to everyone. Whether you are the thinnest girl or strongest in the world, it's just about taking care of who you are.

Make Vision Boards


Ashley Graham has already accomplished a great deal in her life, yet she builds vision boards to set short-term goals. By pushing her projection to 1, 3, and 5 years, she allows her mind to create an action plan to achieve her projects. It's important to visualize what you really want and to know what can happen.

You don't know how to build these famous "vision boards"? Rest assured, it's straightforward! Just select photos or other items that speak to and inspire you. This selection allows you to sort the ideas and desires you have in mind to establish a plan that suits you.

Work Hard To Be Proud Of Yourself


Work hard and do something that takes you to the next level every day and takes you one step further in your career. Never stop. By putting your stone to the building daily, you are constantly improving yourself and reaching levels of skill and expertise that you never thought you could.

This satisfaction brings a particular self-confidence that you can apply on a professional but also personal level. So don't hesitate, give your all in everything you do.
