
Essential Oils: Is Your Diffuser Accidentally Poisoning Your Pets?

Mar 20, 2021
06:00 A.M.
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Aromatherapy alternative medicine may be the reason why your pet is not feeling so great around the house. While essential oils may help you, they could be making your pet feel worse!


Essential oils have been extracted from plants, and they are part of aromatherapy, a holistic treatment that promotes health and well-being. They aren’t entirely safe either as the FDA hasn’t regulated them, and some of their health benefits may be overstated.

When essential oils are misused, there are consequences such as rashes or nausea and vomiting when ingested, which can be serious! This is why there are dangers associated when using aromatherapy for pregnant women, children, and pets.



Essential oils are commonly used to treat stress, boost your mood, relieve pain like headaches or get a better night's sleep, and even repel insects. While some oils do have benefits, it’s essential to use these oils carefully as higher doses can be dangerous not just for animals but humans as well.

Essential oils can be used by either inhaling them, applying them directly to the skin, or ingesting them. Standard devices that aim to distribute aromatherapy oils’ scent into the air are machines like burner lamps and electric diffusers. While the use of these oils effectively influences human nervous systems, hormones and brain chemicals, and metabolism, it may not be suitable for your fur baby.

How Do Essential Oils Affect Your Pets?


By diffusing essential oils, you distribute small particles of these oils into the air; your pet can inhale these particles on it can land on their fur. When inhaled, these particles irritate the lungs and result in your pet going into respiratory distress, and in severe situations, they may stop breathing. If these particles land on your pet’s fur, it can result in skin irritation or, when ingested, can cause watery eyes, runny nose, as well as behavioral changes.

Essential oils typically dangerous to household pets include cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, wintergreen, and thyme essential oils, to name a few. So if you have these essential oils lying around your house, you might want to reconsider using them, especially in spaces where your pet spends most of its time, getting rid of essential oils entirely in the best interest of your pet!

What To Do If Your Pet Starts Showing Symptoms?


The first thing you should do is call your vet as soon as possible and tell them which essential oils you have been using and think may be causing your animal symptoms. Your vet will decide the best possible treatment for your pet and advise you on the next step forward.

If you have been careful with the use of essential oils in your home and have managed to keep your pet from being exposed, then you are but should not be experiencing any symptoms. It's important to always think of the effects of something you use in your home, as it can affect those that live around you, especially your pets. Because they cannot talk to you and tell you when something is wrong, we have to do our best to look out for them!
