Ethical Porn: Explore A More Respectful Side Of The Sex Industry
Being concerned about the ethics of porn is like reading the ingredients of your beauty products or food. Check your ingredients - they matter.
Ethical porn refers to porn that aims to redress the issues that are perpetuated by mainstream porn. It is predicated on feminist ideals and aims to portray consent, respect, and representation of diverse bodies.
Not only is the representation in porn an issue, the industry in itself is deemed fundamentally problematic. Distribution of a lot of popular porn is without consent, and performers are often not reimbursed or poorly paid.
Content Is Created And Shared Consensually

Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash
As far as mainstream porn is concerned, consent seems to be a grey area. There are many stories of performers arriving on set and having the script flipped last minute.
Ethical porn, on the other hand, aims to obtain enthusiastic consent from its performers and filmmakers. Contributors are of legal age and they are allowed to state what sexual activities they do or don't feel comfortable doing at any time, and these such wishes are respected.
Representation Of Diverse Bodies

Photo by Billie on Unsplash
Ethical porn aims to show different bodies in diverse ways. It's nice to see someone who looks like us in the erotic film we're watching: size, race, sexuality, age, and ability.
“Ethical porn validates the needs, boundaries, and curiosities of the performers."
sex therapist Kamil Lewis, AMFT, tells mbg.
Content For Diverse Viewers

Photo by Billie on Unsplash
Mainstream porn, catering fundamentally for male consumption, has allowed for a distorted view of what sex should be; how it should look, feel, and even sound like.
How ethical porn differs is that it appeals to a generation of people who are interested in the potential power of porn to turn them on with a form of pleasure that isn’t “done “ to women’s bodies.
Safe And Respectfully Produced Content

Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash
"Centralizing the physical and emotional safety of performers is essential in creating ethical porn."
Lewis explains.
Performers are respected and treated with consideration. There is no pressure for anybody to engage in activities that they don't want to do or put them in an unsafe or compromising position.
Ethical Porn Is Usually Paid for

Photo by rupixen.com on Unsplash
Ethically produced porn is usually not free. The relevant contributors are ensured a fair payment for their input (though there are some exceptions).
The filmmakers and the performers involved in the process and ensured a safe space throughout the process. The money that viewers pay, pays the contributors.