
Exploring The Differences Between A Soul Mate And A Twin Flame

Daniella Segell
Sep 14, 2021
12:00 A.M.
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By now, we have all heard of twin flame relationships and understand the impact that they can have on our lives. The relationship with your twin flame can be tumultuous and challenging but will ultimately help you grow like you never have before.


However, it is not always easy to tell the difference between a twin flame and a soulmate because it will feel like the same thing at the beginning of the relationship. There are some key differences to look out for, though.

Here is how you can tell whether your person is your twin flame or your soulmate.

Twin Flame

Candle in mirror | Unsplash

Candle in mirror | Unsplash

Your twin flame is just that, your twin. They will mirror you in every single way, both good and bad. In your twin flame, you will find someone who holds a mirror up to you to see yourself and all the aspects of yourself that you need to work on.


In a twin flame relationship, the emotions will be incredibly intense. The good times will feel euphoric, and the bad times will feel like your heart is being ripped straight out of your chest.

Couple silhouetted in sunset | Unsplash

Couple silhouetted in sunset | Unsplash

The twin flame is believed to be two halves of one soul. However, this can often lead to an unhealthy relationship dynamic. The flames can become codependent and feel as though they are there to complete one another when people are meant to be whole on their own


Couple's hands | Unsplash

Couple's hands | Unsplash


At the beginning of a twin flame relationship, you might feel as though you have found your soulmate. They will like everything you do, and you will feel as if you have known them forever; however, that is not what a soulmate is.

While a twin flame is two halves of one soul, a soulmate is simply somebody who shares the same type of energy that you have within your energetic field. This means that this person will come into your life to make you realize how great you are on your own, whether through showing you or through you realizing it just by being with them.

Soulmate photo | Unsplash

Soulmate photo | Unsplash

Challenges will be present in a soulmate relationship, but they will not be as intense as those of a twin flame relationship. The emotions in a soulmate relationship as a whole are much less intense than that of a twin flame relationship.


The Difference

'Forever' scrabble blocks | Unsplash

'Forever' scrabble blocks | Unsplash

At the very beginning, a twin flame and a soulmate might feel very similar to you. They will both feel familiar even if you haven’t known them for a long time, and they will both challenge you to become better, but some differences between them allow you to know which is which.

Twin flames generally tend to come into our lives to help us grow rapidly before we can move on to the next stage of our lives. This means that they are not always the person that we end up with. A soulmate is someone who comes into your life after you have learned all the hard lessons that you needed to, and you usually end up settling down with this person so that you can rest.
