
Exploring The Reasons Networking Is Important For Your Career

Jul 18, 2021
12:00 A.M.

Being friendly certainly makes life easier, and when you’re going through something difficult, it keeps you in contact with sources that can help! Building up a great network of people can even help advance your career!


Throughout life, we meet so many people, and along the way, our paths may cross a few times. Contact with people, especially those in and around your field, can help you navigate your work life easier.

Aside from using these relationships to advance your career, there are many other benefits to networking!

1. People Get To Know You



When you’re networking and getting to know people, it puts you in a personal relationship with them. They get to know your name and become well acquainted with you and your line of work!


2. Creates New Opportunities

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Once you start getting recognition in your line of work, it opens up new opportunities for you. When people in positions know that there’s an opportunity for your growth, they’ll recommend you for the post!

This also works the other way around. You can use your position to influence and advance people within your network. That way, they may be able to return the favor when the time comes!


3. Grants You Access To New Resources



The people in your network can put you in contact with people who have access to different resources. When the need arises, and you use your network to help you with an issue, they can connect you with new resources.

These resources can help advance your career and make your work life a lot easier!

4. You Develop Lasting Relationships




The friends you make while networking can be great, especially if the relationship benefits everyone! You should be able to provide people access to your resources as much as you have access to theirs!

5. Your Confidence Grows




The more you network, the better you become at talking to others. Your self-confidence grows, and that makes you a good hire and a vital connection to have in someone’s network.

6. You Have Help Finding A Job



When you find yourself looking for a job, you can access your network for help. With a workforce this competitive, it’s helpful to have friends in high places who can help you with your job search!

Using your network to your advantage gives you great opportunities for success. So get to networking; maybe you’ll get access to the job of your dreams!
