
Fans Take To Twitter To Support Meghan Markle In Midst Of Saudi Earrings Scandal

Mar 05, 2021
12:00 P.M.

British media outlets are under fire after making a spectacle of Meghan Markle’s choice of jewelry. Twitter users did not let the press rest as they defended the Duchesses honor online.


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been in the press almost daily this past week. Most of the press coverage has focused on their upcoming two-hour television special with Oprah Winfrey that airs on CBS.

Unfortunately, the British media had other plans for Meghan and released a suspiciously timed article. Read more to learn about the item in question and see Twitter fans defend the targeted Duchess.

The Times UK Article


Meghan Markle makes headlines days before her TV special with Oprah and Prince Harry. Although we are sure the headlines have everything to do with the upcoming interview, the focus is on something else.

In an article, the Times UK shifts its focus to negative presentations of Meghan Markle. They cover Markle’s alleged ‘bullying’ as supposedly reported by Palace aids and highlight a pair of earrings she owns.

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The earrings mentioned in the article were a wedding gift from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Crown Prince Mohammed was recently found responsible for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


The article frames Meghan as a villain who wears jewels from murderers, but the facts prove otherwise. Meghan wore the earrings three years ago, before the revelation of the Crown Prince’s involvement in the crime.

Bring On The Criticism


Times UK readers and Twitter fans were understandably not impressed with the framing of this article. A panel of five men discussed the report further on Good Morning Britain, which set outraged fans aflame.

Twitter users quickly came to Meghan’s defense after recognizing the press attention as a smear campaign. Many even referenced hypocrisy from the Palace and the press when dealing with specific issues.


Concerned Twitter users raised that Prince Andrew hasn’t received the criticism he deserves from the media. The Prince has been accused of sexual misconduct with young girls and is linked to Jeffery Epstein.

When comparing the Duchess and Prince Andrew, there clearly is one who is always targeted. The blatant discrimination against Meghan Markle has always been suspicious, but it is more apparent now than ever.

Meghan Markle’s Reply

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Apart from being framed as an apologist to a murderer, Meghan was also accused of bullying the palace staff. This particular accusation upset the Duchess deeply, so much that her representative addressed it.

“The duchess is saddened by this latest attack on her character, particularly as someone who has been the target of bullying herself and is deeply committed to supporting those who have experienced pain and trauma.”

Says Meghan Markle’s rep

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However, Meghan received the accusations about the earrings for precisely what they were. Completely absurd. Markle’s rep called this particular accusation ‘defamatory’ and expressed her disappointment at it all.
