
Jessica Alba Reveals She Also Suffered From Imposter Syndrome

Jun 19, 2021
11:00 A.M.
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Jessica Alba rose to fame in the early 2000s but then branched out into beauty, creating the skincare company Honest Beauty. But the journey hasn’t been easy because even she has suffered from imposter syndrome!


Jessica Alba, well-known for her days on Dark Angel, has a passion for clean products. The company started out selling chemical-free baby products.


Most of the products we use have so many chemicals in them, and as a mom, she didn’t want that for her family. So she decided to partner with people who share similar interests and would help grow her idea.

Most celebs sign an ambassador deal, but Jessica Alba wanted to create a brand that’s focused on creating clean products. And that’s a major concern for many consumers!


The company became a leading brand in clean products for babies in 2015, and now they’re making a huge impact in the beauty industry. One of their best products right now is the Honest Beauty Extreme Length Mascara + Lash Primer.

It’s also one of her favorite products from the Honest Beauty range! But, despite her success, Jessica Alba says that she’s suffered from imposter syndrome.


Imposter syndrome is a feeling like you don’t deserve their accomplishments. People with imposter syndrome often feel the need to make things perfect and be in control of everything.

People with imposter syndrome feel like they’re not the person that others see them as. And if people look hard enough, they’ll find them out to be a fraud!


For Jessica Alba, imposter syndrome made her feel like she wasn’t capable enough to make Honest succeed, and the business suffered because of it! She always felt like everything came to her because she was lucky, not because she deserved it.

Her husband, Cash Warren, has been her motivator and helped her recognize the work she puts in. However, it took a long time for her to start believing that she deserves the things she’s worked so hard for over the years, and it’s still something she has to face every once in a while.


She now controls her doubts about herself by thinking of her daughters and other women in the industry that she’s paving the way for! It’s no easy task, but she deserves where she is!

For someone who has worked so hard to create a brand that she believes in, she’s done a great job! It might still be shocking to think that she’s created a successful and clean brand, but at least she can believe that she’s done it!
