Lockdown Side Effects: A Guide To Handling WFH Lethargy
While working from home, nearly every room has become the home office at some point. But with working in a space you’ve designed to be relaxing, you might be struggling with being too lazy to do anything about it.
Your office was never in the same room you watch TV or sit down to dinner, which made it easier to separate your work life and home life and still allowed you time for breaks. It’s so easy to lose track of time, and before you know it, it's 4 pm, and you haven’t had your lunch yet.
Getting so distracted by our work, it's easy to find yourself working into all hours of the morning; it all just leads to burnout. But you don’t have to feel like this, so here are some ways to battle that lethargy.
Take Breaks

Take control of your schedule; even if it means that you have to set a timer, do it! Your mind and body need time to let loose and not constantly be at work all the time. Besides, how often have you forgotten to eat while you’re working?
Schedule your breaks and control the order in which you complete your tasks. When you’re on a break, be sure to get out of your workspace; being in the same space to take breaks might not let your mind wander away from work, leaving you stressed out!
Don’t Forget To Exercise.

Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash
Exercise helps boost your energy levels, and that can help you from constantly feeling exhausted. Doctors recommend at least a 30-minute walk, and if that’s all you can spare, it’s more than enough!
If you can’t spare a full 30-minutes, then try and do it in the form of micro-workouts. It helps keep you from sitting at your desk all day long, and all you need is 5-10minutes of exercises like running on the spot or even squats.
Eat Healthily

A healthy diet is essential to provide your body with all the nutrients is it requires. These are found in fruit and vegetables like spinach, berries, avocados, among others.
Carbs that release energy slowly, like whole-grain pasta, are excellent because they aren’t loaded with sugars that get used up quickly. It maintains your energy levels because high sugar means you’re going to experience an energy crash.
Sleep Hygiene

Photo by Isabella and Louisa Fischer on Unsplash
Work on your sleep hygiene to make sure that the hours you get of sleep are restful. Many times people feel like they’re still groggy even though they’ve gotten more than enough hours, but feeling well-rested is not just about the hours you get; it’s the quality.
This means not using blue light from your screens or laptop for one hour before bed, do things that aren’t work-related like reading or journaling, take a relaxing bath, and help your mind switch off. If your mind is relaxed, your rest will be of better quality.
Connect With Your People

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
Socializing is who we are; our species can barely survive without it. Even if you’re introverted, there are people with who you miss spending time. Without connecting with others, you can end up feeling drained.
We have an entire world of opportunities to connect right at our fingertips. Social media, video calling, and text messaging are all accessible through our mobiles or our laptops. So if you’re feeling low, shoot a text through to your friend and talk it out; you might feel better after a bit.