Our Pick: The 10 Most Iconic Shoe Moments In Movies
Be it a glimpse of an entire scene dedicated to these iconic shoe moments, and they did not go unnoticed! No one knows when exactly women's love for shoes began, but aren't you glad that it did?
Shoes are the accessories your outfit needs to go from ordinary to fashion-forward. Through Dorothy and her Ruby Red Slippers to Elle Woods and her last season Pradas, we have learned the importance of fantastic shoes!
There have been many iconic moments for shoes throughout the years, and today we are honoring those moments.
Dorothy’s Ruby Red Slippers
From the all-American classic The Wizard of Oz (1939) comes Dorothy’s famous ruby red slippers. These iconic shoes are renowned for taking Dorothy home after clicking her heels three times, because after all, there is no place like home, in your closet, with your shoes!
The Strappy White Sandal
In The Seven Year Itch (1954), Marilyn Monroe's iconic strappy white sandal takes center stage and adds finesse to her white sundress. Who knew sandals could steal the show and turn Marilyn into a tempting seductress!
The Red Mules
From the musical Grease (1978) comes Sandy's iconic makeover scene. Donned in full black, Olivia Newton John’s look is not complete without the statement red mule taking her from innocent Sandy to Sandy with many edges!
The Gray Moccasin Boots
In Star Wars: Episode Vi - Return Of The Jedi (1983) comes Princess Leia’s iconic golden bikini, which to this day remains a sought-after costume design!
What remains even more iconic is the odd choice of the gray moccasin boots she paired with the bikini giving it just the right edge.
The Brown Leather Lace-Ups
From the classic The Breakfast Club (1985), we have Claire Standish’s rebellious brown lace-up boots. These boots were so iconic that if you didn’t want to own a pair, you just weren’t cool enough! I mean, who wouldn’t want to spend detention in those boots.
The White Sneakers
In Dirty Dancing (1987), Baby wears white sneakers to practice, and this drove the masses to shop her exact style the following summer. We all love a trend!
These shoes were so iconic they even made a comeback in the late 2000s when people became obsessed with Keds and Plimsolls.
Sidekick Sneakers as Wedding Shoes
From the heartwarming movie Father of The Bride (1991) comes the iconic moment when the bride and daughter Annie shows her dad that she opted to wear sneakers instead of regular wedding shoes.
This iconic movie moment led to a bridal obsession with comfort over style and Converse sneakers under their gowns! Because who is going to crawl under your dress to criticize your shoes? No one
Nike Cortez
We told Forest to run, so he did in Forrest Gump (1994). One of the first Nike shoes made, the 1972 Nike Cortez featured in this film. The design seems to be a favorite because the shoe made a comeback, and it’s a celebrated comeback!
Mary Janes and socks
Cher pairing her Mary Janes with knee-high socks was starting a trend in the ’90s. From the movie Clueless (1995), we have been inspired once again this past year, pairing her Mary Janes, knee-high socks, and different styles and textures of plaid; Cher was serving looks throughout the movie!
The Last Season Prada Loafers
Elle woods was serving looks in pink throughout Legally Blonde (2001), But it was her last season, Prada loafers, that she so carelessly wore to court, that stole the entire show and led to the jaw-dropping win at the end!