
Our Pick: The Best Quotes To Welcome The Hot Summer Weather

May 02, 2021
02:00 A.M.
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The onset of May corresponds to the weather getting warmer and the sun unleashing its full force and light on the world. Soon enough, the floral, springtime weather will make way for summertime fun, so get ready to welcome the hot season with a joyful heart.


Summer is a carefree time when basking in the sun and running around in flowing silhouettes account for the most luxurious feelings ever experienced. People come out of their snug winter and spring modes, holding cocktail parties and planning beach getaways.

No matter how you celebrate the hot season, you will need some splendid quotes to compliment your summer selfies, and that's where we come to the rescue. Below, find the best summer-inspired sayings to help you prepare for the sunny days.

Warm Blanket

Photo By Marvin Kuhn On Unsplash

Photo By Marvin Kuhn On Unsplash


Nothing can compare to the warmth of a fine sunny day. And the best way to let go of the winter blues is by embracing the feel-good, summery vibes, allowing them to take all over you.

"I love how summer just wraps its arms around you like a warm blanket."

-Kelle Elmore.

Life Beginning All Over Again

Photo By Helena Lopes On Unsplash

Photo By Helena Lopes On Unsplash

Summer breathes life into the world with the promise of bright and warm days. The entire world transitions into a magical realm, where anything is possible, and you can start a new leaf over.


"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in the fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer."

-F. Scott Fitzgerald.

More Light To Read

Photo By Dan Dimitriu On Unsplash

Photo By Dan Dimitriu On Unsplash

This one goes out to all the bibliophiles, bookworms, and avid readers out there, myself included. Winter reading might have its perks, but summer offers you an excellent chance to read in the natural light. What a priceless feeling!


"One benefit of Summer was that each day we had more light to read by."

-Jeanette Walls.

Summer Days

Photo By Eric Nopanen On Unsplash

Photo By Eric Nopanen On Unsplash

Summer days are probably the best ones there ever can be because you have all the time in the world to do all that you want to do. So feel free to run along with the warm weather and turn your dreams into reality.

"In the summer, the days were long, stretching into each other. Out of school, everything was on pause and yet happening at the same time, this collection of weeks when anything was possible."

-Sarah Dessen.


Summer Nights

Photo By Ibrahim Mushan On Unsplash

Photo By Ibrahim Mushan On Unsplash

Summer nights are glorious because you can walk barefoot on the sand and enjoy the cool summer breeze blowing into your face and tousling your hair. How else is romance defined?

"The summer night is like a perfection of thought."

-Wallace Stevens.

Summertime Was A Song

Photo By Jason Blackeye On Unsplash

Photo By Jason Blackeye On Unsplash

Summer is indeed a beautiful song that we can all sing along to and feel good in the accompanying vibes. But it's also a feeling, and the only way to fully embrace it is by surrendering ourselves to its magic.

"Summertime. It was a song. It was a season. I wondered if that season would ever live inside me."

-Benjamin Alire Saenz.

Smell The Sea

Photo By jcob nasyr On Unsplash

Photo By jcob nasyr On Unsplash

The perfect time to feel free and ride on the clouds is when the sun decides to greet the world in its full glory. Step outside and stare into the depths of the sky, for only then will you realize that there are no limits to what you can do.
